Tagetes minuta is a tall upright marigold plant from the genus Tagetes, with small flowers, native to the southern half of South America.
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Nov 16, 2021 ˇ Tagetes minuta (mint marigold) is an erect, woody annual herb, usually 0.5–2 m tall with strongly odorous foliage.

Southern Cone Marigold

Tagetes minuta is a tall upright marigold plant from the genus Tagetes, with small flowers, native to the southern half of South America. Since Spanish colonization, it has been introduced around the world, and has become naturalized in Europe,... Wikipedia
Scientific name: Tagetes minuta
Family: Asteraceae
Genus: Tagetes
It is used internally in the treatment of gastritis, indigestion and internal worms[238]. Externally, it is used to treat haemorrhoids and skin infections[238].
Feb 11, 2022 ˇ Wild marigold, or black mint, is a tall upright marigold plant from the genus Tagetes, with small flowers, native to the southern half of South America.
muster John Henry General Information. Symbol: TAMI3. Group: Dicot. Duration: Annual. Growth Habit: Forb/herb. Native Status: CAN I HI I L48 I ...
Tagetes minuta is an erect, terrestrial, herbaceous annual and perennial plant, growing up to a height of 4.5m (Figure 1) (Holm et al., 1997).
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Native to Mexico. This is the tallest of marigolds I have grown, reaching as high as 10 feet, and also has the smallest flowers.
A tall, upright, half-hardy annual to 1.5m high with deeply-divided, aromatic foliage and heads of small white flowers with yellow centres.
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Tagetes minuta var bipinnata is a perennial herb native to the temperate grasslands and mountainous regions of southern South America; it is also cultivated in ...
Common Name: MARIGOLD ; Habit: Annual [perennial herb, shrub], generally scented. ; Stem: erect. ; Leaf: pinnately divided or compound (in California), opposite ...