The Tamaricaceae, the tamarisk family, are a family of plants native to drier areas of Europe, Asia, and Africa. It contains four genera: Tamarix (with 73 ...
The Tamaricaceae, the tamarisk family, are a family of plants native to drier areas of Europe, Asia, and Africa. It contains four genera: Tamarix, Reaumuria, Myricaria, and Myrtama. Wikipedia
Scientific name: Tamaricaceae
Higher classification: Caryophyllales
Rank: Family
Family: Tamaricaceae; Link (1821) nom. cons
Lower classifications
People also ask
Are tamarisk trees invasive?
What is the habitat of the tamarisk?
Tamarix spp, or salt cedar, is deciduous shrub that can grow up to 15 ft. (4.6 m) in height. The bark is smooth and reddish on younger plants, turning brown and ...
Members of the family can be annuals or perennials and commonly grow in saline soils. The simple leaves are sometimes succulent or hairy and are usually ...
Dwarf shrubs or subshrubs; flowers solitary on main branch or at apices of shortened lateral branches, with 2 appendages inside petals; seeds hairy throughout, ...
The Tamaricaceae are a flowering plant family (the tamarisk family) containing four genera and a total of 78 known species. In the 1980s, the family was ...
Habit: Shrub, tree, much-branched. Stem: trunk bark rough. Leaf: alternate, sessile, entire, often scale-like, generally with salt-excreting glands.
The Tamaricaceae family includes shrubs and trees that are halophytic, rheophytic or xerophytic, have slender and flexuous branches (Gaskin, 2003), ...
Shrubs or trees [subshrubs], usually halophytes, rheophytes, or xerophytes. Leaves alternate, scalelike [subulate], small; stipules absent.
Classification · Kingdom Plantae · Phylum Streptophyta · Class Equisetopsida · Subclass Magnoliidae · Order. Caryophyllales. View Order Tree opens in a new tab.
The family Tamaricaceae is in the major group Angiosperms. The record derives from The Caryophyllales TEN -The Caryophyllales Network.