Tara spinosa, commonly known as tara (Quechua), also known as Peruvian carob or spiny holdback, is a small leguminous tree or thorny shrub native to Peru.
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Tara spinosa
Tara spinosa, commonly known as tara, also known as Peruvian carob or spiny holdback, is a small leguminous tree or thorny shrub native to Peru. T. spinosa is cultivated as a source of tannins based on a galloylated quinic acid structure. This... Wikipedia
Scientific name: Caesalpinia spinosa
Family: Fabaceae
Genus: Tara
Nov 7, 2023 · A Traditional and Rural Harvesting. The Tara spinosa, or Caesalpinia spinosa, is a wild perennial that grow in the dry, sub-humid valleys and ...
Feb 11, 2022 · Tara spinosa, commonly known as tara (Quechua), is a small leguminous tree or thorny shrub native to Peru. T. spinosa is cultivated as a ...
Tara spinosa is a spiny, evergreen shrub or small tree with a spreading crown; it can grow 3 - 8 metres tall.
Tara spinosa, commonly known as tara (Quechua), is a small leguminous tree or thorny shrub native to Peru. T. spinosa is cultivated as a source of tannins ...
Caesalpinia spinosa is a tree or shrub that is not native to California. Plant Range · Observation Search ~45 records in California. Plant Characteristics ...
Small tree or large shrub that has been cultivated as an ornamental and for its use as a source of tannins used to treat leather.
Found in South America, Spiny Holdback, Caesalpinia spinosa, is a spiny, evergreen tree up to 8m tall and 5 m wide. It has an erect and slender trunk and it is ...
The native range of this species is Cuba, Colombia to N. Central Chile. It is a shrub or tree and grows primarily in the seasonally dry tropical biome.
Mrs. Tara Spinosa. Faculty & Staff Directory. Mrs. Tara Spinosa. Vice Principal. tspinosacorpuschristischool.net. Home · Return to Homepage.