Feb 11, 2022 · Tephrosia forbesii is a species of plants with 3 observations.
This species is accepted. The native range of this species is S. Tropical & S. Africa. It is a biennial or perennial.
A slender, probably short-lived perennial or perhaps biennial. Stamen tube open dorsally. Calyx 4–10 mm long, pubescent, the teeth long-acute, subequal, ...
forbesii: named after John Forbes (1799-1823), an English plant collector and naturalist who visited the Cape in 1822 and died on the Zambezi River in ...
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Short-lived perennial with a taproot, up to 1 m. tall. Hairs on stems rather sparse, appressed or spreading, white. Leaves unifoliolate; stipules subulate, ± 5 ...
forbesii: named after John Forbes (1799-1823), an English plant collector and naturalist. As representative of the Horticultural Society of London he visited ...
The native range of this subspecies is Mozambique. It is a biennial or perennial and grows primarily in the seasonally dry tropical biome.
Tephrosia is a genus of flowering plants in the family Fabaceae. It is widespread in both the Eastern and Western Hemisphere, where it is found in tropical ...
Derivation of specific name: forbesii: named after John Forbes (1799-1823), an English plant collector and naturalist. As representative of the Horticultural ...