Jan 8, 2007 · Flowers in short inflorescences along the stem, axillary or on the old leaf nodes, pale green, turning apricot with age. Petals narrower than ...
Erect or sometimes pendent epiphyte. Stems sometimes branching. Leaves borne on the apical half of the stem, terete, sometimes with a groove on the upper ...
May 24, 2019 · Description. Slender epiphyte or lithophyte, stems up to 300mm long, branching, angled and 3mm in diameter. Roots restricted to the very ...
The native range of this species is Tropical Africa, SE. Cape Prov. to S. KwaZulu-Natal. It is an epiphytic subshrub and grows primarily in the seasonally dry ...
Dec 14, 2014 · An African genus of about 40 species, the genus is defined by it tri-lobed labellum. The flowers are rather small about 4-6 mm with only 6-8 ...
Tridactyle tridentata (Harv.) Schltr. Higher Classification. Monocotyledons. Family. ORCHIDACEAE. Synonyms. Angraecum bolusii Rolfe, Angraecum tridentatum Harv.
Tridactyle tridentata is accepted species in the family Orchidaceae subfamily: Epidendroideae, tribe: Vandeae, subtribe: Angraecinae, Genus Tridactyle
Tridactyle tridentata (Harv.) Schltr. ; Family: Orchidaceae. [Angraecum goetzeanum Kraenzl., moreAngraecum hislopii Rolfe, Angraecum tridentatum Harv., ...
Tridactyle tridentata (Harv.) Schltr., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 53: 603 (1915). Homotypic Synonyms: Angraecum tridentatum Harv., Thes. Cap. 2: 6 (1863).