Aeollanthus rehmannii from
... or krantz edges, exposed to bright light. Occurs from the Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal coasts, northwards through Swaziland, to Mpumalanga and Limpopo. Aeollanthus rehmannii Small, perennial, many-branched shrubs up to 40cm high,
Aeollanthus rehmannii from
Aeollanthus panganiensis Gürke , 375 Aeollanthus petasatus Briq . , 366 Aeollanthus prittwitzianus Gürke , 367 Aeollanthus pubescens Benth . , 366 si Aeollanthus rehmannii Gürke , 376 Aeollanthus repens Oliv . , 366 Aeollanthus robynsii ...
Aeollanthus rehmannii from
... Aeollanthus SPUR BUSH ( Greek Aiolos , god of the winds ; anthos , flower ; the allusion is unclear ) Herbs or soft ... rehmannii Bushveld Spur Bush JFMAMJJASOND 4 Brittle shrublet. FERTILE STAMENS 4 , DIRECTED DOWNWARDS ALONG THE ...
Aeollanthus rehmannii from
... Aeollanthus buchnerianus , 183 , 182 Abildgaardia contexta , 297 Aeollanthus canescens , 183 Ageratina goetzeana ... rehmannii , 183 Aeollanthus rubescens , 183 Aeollanthus salicifolius , 183 Aeollanthus serpiculoides , 192 ...
Aeollanthus rehmannii from
... Aeollanthus rehmannii A. namibiensis 3 MAP 67 . Aeollanthus parvifolius A. neglectus 4. Aeollanthus rehmannii Gürke in Bull . Herb . Boissier 4 : 819 ( 1896 ) ; Cooke in F.C. 5,1 : 295 ( 1910 ) ; Ross , Fl . Natal 304 ( 1972 ) ...
Aeollanthus rehmannii from
Anita Fabian, Gerrit Germishuizen. a Aeollanthus rehmannii Guerke DERIVATION : Aeollanthus from the Greek , aiolos ( change- able ) and anthos ( a flower ) ; rehmannii named after Anton Rehmann ( 1840-1917 ) , a Polish plant geographer ...
Aeollanthus rehmannii from
... Aeollanthus buchnerianus Herb Aeollanthus rehmannii Herb Aerangis appendiculata Orchid Aerangis kotschyana Orchid Aerangis mystacidii Aerangis rusituensis Orchid Orchid Aerva lanata Herb Aerva leucura Herb Furanondo , hoto , nyarotarota ...
Aeollanthus rehmannii from
... Aeollanthus rehmannii A. namibiensis 17 15 ° 10 TOP 20 17 20 29 ° 28 30 37 ° 34 ° 30 ° MAP 67 . - Aeollanthus parvifolius A. neglectus 4. Aeollanthus rehmannii Gürke in Bull . Herb . Boissier 4 : 819 ( 1896 ) ; Cooke in F.C. 5,1 : 295 ...
Aeollanthus rehmannii from
... Aeollanthus abyssinicus var.angustifolius Sacleux : 294 ( 1908 ) === A.abyssinicus Aeollanthus adenotrichus Gürke ex ... rehmannii Aeollanthus cryptanthus Baker in Dyer , Fl . Trop . Afr . ; 5 : 397 ( 1900 ) === A.engleri ...
Aeollanthus rehmannii from
... Aeollanthus rehmannii ( Iwarsson & Ryding 707 ( UPS ) ) . B : A. plicatus ( Moreno 307 ( LISC ) ) . C : A. sedoides ( Henriques 887 ( LISC ) ) . D : A. ukamensis ( Iwarsson & Ryding 719 ( UPS ) ) . E : A. fruticosus ( Iwarsson & Ryding ...