Asplenium trichomanes uses from
... USE IN NORTH CAROLINA Cactus Opuntia humifusa ( prickly pear ) Ferns Adiantum capillus - veneris ( southern maidenhair fern ) Adiantum pedatum ( northern maidenhair fern ) Asplenium platyneuron ( ebony spleenwort ) Asplenium trichomanes ...
Asplenium trichomanes uses from
... Asplenium septentrionale Asplenium trichomanes - ramosum Astragalus californicus Astragalus calycosus Astragalus collinus var . laurentii Astragalus cusickii var . sterilis Astragalus diaphanus var . diurnus Astragalus gambelianus ...
Asplenium trichomanes uses from
... Asplenium trichomanes (Galilean spleenwort), is described by Dioscorides, who also notes the name Adiantum.211 pu ... uses (T-S AS 177.31). tu: None found to date. omu: al-Dimashqī mentions the plant and lists it among 90 species ...
Asplenium trichomanes uses from
... ( Asplenium trichomanes ) ; Green Maiden - hair Spleenwort ( Asplenium viride ) , much more rare than the Common Spleenwort ; Wall Rue Spleenwort ( Asple- nium ruta muraria ) ; Common Hart's - tongue ( Scolopendrium vulgare ) ...
Asplenium trichomanes uses from
... ( Asplenium trichomanes ) ; Green Maiden - hair Spleenwort ( Asplenium viride ) , much more rare than the Common Spleenwort ; Wall Rue Spleenwort ( Asple- nium ruta muraria ) ; Common Hart's - tongue ( Scolopendrium vulgare ) ...
Asplenium trichomanes uses from
... used against whooping cough. 4. Alysicarpus vaginalis DC. Family: Fabaceae Local name: Chevra Use: Decoction of root is taken early in the morning for curing cough. 5. Asplenium trichomanes L. Family: Aspleniaceae Local name: Khandie Use ...
Asplenium trichomanes uses from
... used medi- cinally . A'SSAC ( Chem . ) the same as Gummi ammoniacum . A'SSACH ( Law ) a mode of purgation used ... ASPLENIUM , in the Linnean system , a genus of plants , Class 24 Cryptogamia , Order 1 Filices , the Trichomanes and ...
Asplenium trichomanes uses from
... TRICHOMANES - the Greek name for Asplenium trichomanes ( used by Dioscorides and Pliny ) , from Greek thrix , " hair , " in allusion to the hair - like stems of that plant . The name was later transferred to the Bristle fern in ...
Asplenium trichomanes uses from
... Asplenium trichomanes L. (Aspleniaceae). maidenhair spleenwort. Head and chest colds were treated in Lesotho, Africa, by inhaling smoke produced by burning the leaves of this species (Perry 1980; Duke and Wain 1981). Asplenium ...
Asplenium trichomanes uses from
... usage is not universal , but it is certainly prevalent . In really common uses such words should never be ... Asplenium Trichomanes ( a fern ) , Menticirrhus americanus ( a fish ) , Carya alba ( a hickory - tree ) . RULE IX . - In ...