Barleria phaylopsis from
... Phaylopsis longifolia Barleria cristata ... Thunburgia grandiflora alata fragrans Phaylopsis , long - leaved Barleria , crested Thunbergia , blue - flowered winged - leaved 48 2199 43 1808 34 1400 38 1578 47 2186 50 2433 39 1615 50 2366 ...
Barleria phaylopsis from
... Barleria lugardii covers only the small - flowered ' typical ' form which ... phaylopsis Milne - Redh . in Bull . Misc . Inform . , Kew 1940 : 65 ( 1940 ) ... Barleria affinis De Wild . in Ann . Mus . Congo Belge , Bot . sér.4 1 ...
Barleria phaylopsis from
... Phaylopsis glutinosa and Barleria noctiflora , the whole surface becomes covered with separate tubes , very similar in form , but destitute of spiral fibre , and terminating in a minute pore , from which streams of mucilage are ...
Barleria phaylopsis from
... Phaylopsis longifolia Barleria cristata ... alata 50 2366 52 2591 44 1881 Thunburgia grandiflora ....... fragrans ..... 22 864 Bignonia capreolata ..... 47 2148 34 1398 46 2050 37 1511 22 865 14 485 . Chamberlaynii ( ĉqui- noctialis ...
Barleria phaylopsis from
... Phaylopsis glutinosa , Barleria noctiflora , Le- pidagathis , & c . Further particulars respect- ing the hygroscopic cells will be found under CELL - MEMBRANE and SPIRAL STRUCTURES . See also ACANTHODIUM and RUELLIA , and for a similar ...
Barleria phaylopsis from
... Phaylopsis glutinosa , Barleria noctiflora , Le- pidagathis , & c . Further particulars respect- ing the hygroscopic cells will be found under CELL - MEMBRANE and SPIRAL STRUCTURES . See also ACANTHODIUM and RUELLIA , and for a similar ...
Barleria phaylopsis from
... Phaylopsis longifolia Crabbea hirsuta Barleria spinulosa Crossandra nilotica Asystasia coromandeliana Justicia protracta J. betonica J. natalensis ACANTHACEĈ - continued Barleria repens B. meyeriana Hypoestes aristata H. verticillaris ...
Barleria phaylopsis from
... Phaylopsis longifolia .. 39 1615 Barleria cristata . 50 2366 Thunburgia grandiflora 52 2591 alata ........ 44 1881 fragrans ... 22 864 Bignonia capreolata . 47 2148 34 1398 46 2050 37 1511 22 865 14 485 .. ... Phaylopsis , long - leaved ...
Barleria phaylopsis from
... Phaylopsis microphylla , T. Anders . - Ashanti to the Gaboon . Phaylopsis sp . Lankesteria elegans , T. Anders . - Ashanti to the Gaboon . Barleria opaca , Nees . - Ashanti and Lagos . Asystasia vogeliana , Benth . - Ashanti to the ...
Barleria phaylopsis from
... Phaylopsis glutinosa , and Barleria noctiflora , the whole surface becomes covered with separate tubes , very similar in form , but destitute of spiral fibre , and terminating in a minute pore , from which streams of mucilage are ...