Synonyms: · Common names: · Frequency: · Status: Native. Description: Small annual herb. Stems prostrate or decumbent, 4-sided, glabrous, often purplish.

Bergia polyantha

Rank: Species
Bergia polyantha is a species of plants with 1 observation.
Bergia polyantha Sond. ≡. Bergia integrifolia Dinter. = Bergia integrifolia Dinter ex E.Holzh. No children. Species Accepted. Bergia polyantha Sond.
Bergia polyantha; Bergia integrifolia · Flora. Entry for BERGIA polyantha Sond. [family ELATINACEAE]. Herbarium. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (K). Collection.
Bergia species are annual, perennial or undershrubs, stem ascending, erect or decumbent, branched diffusely, glabrous or pubescent, rooting at nodes.
Sep 16, 2024 · Herbarium: Habitat: In moist soil by pan, usually on the edge/flood area, where the pan had overflowed. Location: Farm Otjombindi, Namibia.
Scientific Name. Bergia polyantha Sond. ; Higher Classification. Dicotyledons ; Family. ELATINACEAE ; Synonyms. Bergia integrifolia Dinter ex Friedr.-Holzh.
Description: The general rule for this taxonomy follows: Vascular Plants of Arizona project, Flora of North America, recent treatments.
Family : ELATINACEAE · Family (Hindi name) : ELATINE FAMILY · Family (as per The APG System III) : Elatinaceae · Synonym(s) : Bergia integrifolia Dinter ex Friedr.