... Bolbitis. Bolbitis is a genus of aquatic ferns often used in freshwater aquariums. The most popular species within this genus for aquarium usage is Bolbitis heudelotii, known as the African water fern, but my favorite is Bolbitis ...
... has a good degree of airflow . Some other species of Anubias that work well in a terrarium include Anubias nana , Anubias nana petite , Anubias bonsai , and Anubias pangolino . Anubias barteri 'Mini Coin' Bolbitis Bolbitis is a genus of.
... bolbitis and for the anubias, which can be planted in any area of the aquarium; 9. Bolbitis heudelotii (African fern) should be placed in the top half of the display. PLANT LIST SUITABLE FISH The waterways of Africa are home to many. 1 ...
... Bolbitis heudelotii (African fern); 4. Vallisneria gigantea (Giant vallisneria); 5. Install powerheads or filter returns to produce strong currents across the tank. This will simulate the fast-flowing waters of the natural environment ...
... Bolbitis beddomei Fraser-Jenk. and Gandhi: India (Goa, Karnataka, Kerala, Maha rashtra, Tamil Nadu). Also it extends to Madhya Pradesh. 5. Bolbitis feeiana (Copel.) Fraser-Jenk. and Gandhi: India (Goa, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu) ...
... Bolbitis beddomei Fraser-Jenk. and Gandhi: India (Goa, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu). Also it extends to Madhya Pradesh. 5. Bolbitis feeiana (Copel.) Fraser-Jenk. and Gandhi: India (Goa, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu) ...