Bolbitis from
... Bolbitis Description Figs . 93.1-93.17 Bolbitis Schott , Gen. Fil . t . 13 ( fasc . 3 ) . 1835. Type : Bolbitis serratifolia ( Kaulf . ) Schott ( Acrostichum serratifolium Kaulf . ) . Egenolfia Schott , Gen. Fil . t . 16 ( fasc . 4 ) ...
Bolbitis from
... Bolbitis is a super - dwarf variety of its parent species . Its tiny , feathery fronds are also more deeply lobed , and are deep emerald green and quite elegant . Baby leaf bolbitis grows natural- ly in tropical West African regions ...
Bolbitis from
... Bolbitis. Bull. Natl. Bot. Gdns. 88: 1-75 (with S. Kaur). Kaulinia, a new genus of polypodiaceous ferns. Taxon, 13: 67-69. A new species and a variety of Bolbitis from India. Amer. Fern J. 54: 9-19 (with P. Chandra). Ferns of India-XII ...
Bolbitis from
... Bolbitis was resolved as polyphyletic. A clade of eight Neotropical species currently placed in Bolbitis is sister to Elaphoglossum, not the other species of Bolbitis. We refer to this group of species as the Bolbitis nicotianifolia ...
Bolbitis from
... Bolbitis Schott Figs . 201.1-201.10 Genus A pantropical genus of 44 species , including Egenolfia Schott , monographed by Hennipman ( 1977 ) . Range In America from southern Mexico southward through Central America , and in the Antilles ...
Bolbitis from
... Bolbitis achrostichoides ( Afz . ex Swartz ) Ching ex C. Chr . Bolbitis bipinnatifida ( J. Smith ) K. Iwatz . Bolbitis sp . Bolbitis diversifolia ( Blume ) Schott Bolbitis heteroclita ( Pr . ) Ching Bolbitis quoyana ( Gaudich . ) Ching ...
Bolbitis from
... Bolbitis the pro- thallia are long - lived , slow - growing , and strap - shaped ( Fig . 85 J ) . The gametangia are of the usual advanced type ( Stokey and Atkinson 1957 ) . KARYOLOGY AND HYBRIDIZATION . Most counts are based on n = 41 ...
Bolbitis from
... Bolbitis were previously included in the Lomariopsidaceae, although some authors treated Elaphoglossum and Bolbitis in separate families, the Elaphoglossaceae and Bolbitidaceae, respectively. However, recent molecular studies have shown ...
Bolbitis from
... Bolbitis semipinnatifida Bolbitis cladorrhizans ( Spreng . ) Ching = Bolbitis portoricensis Bolbitis guianensis ( Aubl . ) K.U. Kramer ex Vareschi = Lomagramma guianensis Bolbitis maguirei Maxon & C.V. Morton = Bolbitis serratifolia ...
Bolbitis from
... (=Bolbitis heteroclita) Leptochilus decurrens 36, 325, 326, 471 Leptochilus harlandii (=Tectaria harlandii) Leptochilus hemionitidea (=Colysis hemionitidea) Leptochilus heteroclitus (=Bolbitis heteroclita) Leptochilus kanashiroi ...