Brink, M. & Achigan-Dako, E.G.. In Senegal Bulbostylis hispidula flowers in (May–)July–October(–November), and in Benin it flowers and fruits in April–November. Bulb- ostylis hispidula is an extremely variable spe- cies with at least 6 ...
... Bulbostylis hispidula subsp. pyriformis (Cyperaceae) – native to East Africa; fruit without any apparent adaptations to a particular mode of dispersal; like many grasses (Poaceae) the plant may simply rely on herbivorous (plant-eating) ...
... Bulbostylis and Schoenoplectus. Bulbostylis hispidula, B. buchananii C.B. CI. and B. boeckeleriana (Schweinf.) Beetle all have achenes with prominently rounded transverse undulations (Haines and Lye 1983, Figs 168, 182, 183, 209), while ...