Cassipourea euryoides from
Dominique Louppe. Zimbabwe and Mozambique. Uses The wood of Cassipourea euryoides is suitable for heavy construction ... Cassipourea comprises about 70 species, widely distributed in the tropics. Dropped seeds of Cassipourea ...
Cassipourea euryoides from
... Cassipourea euryoides , 79 Cassipourea gummiflua , 79 Phaseolus spp . , 132 Phaseolus vulgaris , 43 , Callitris calcarata , 78 , 92 Cassipourea malosana , 79 , 97 Index • 175 •
Cassipourea euryoides from
... Cassipourea euryoides 0.70* Campnosperma Boswellia serrata 0.5 0.33,0.50+ Cassipourea malosana 0.59* panamensis Bridelia squamosa 0.5 Carapa sp. 0.47 Ceiba pentandra 0.26 Buchanania latifolia 0.45 Caryocar spp. 0.69, 0.72+ Celtis spp ...
Cassipourea euryoides from
... Cassipourea euryoides 0.70 * Entandrophragma angolensis 0.45 Cassipourea malosana 0.59 * Entandrophragma candollei 0.59 Ceiba pentandra 0.26 Entandrophragma cylindricum 0.55 Celtis brieyi 0.50 ** Entandrophragma utile 0.53 Celtis ...
Cassipourea euryoides from
... Cassipourea euryoides Alston Zimb . no : 762 Velvet - fruit Onionwood A shrub or tree up to 15 m in height ; occurring in deciduous forest and woodland , often among rocks . Bark : brown to grey , smooth to corky ; young branchlets ...
Cassipourea euryoides from
... Cassipourea . Kew Bull . 1925 : 241-276 . fig . 1925. The author gives a history of the genus and a key to the species . Descriptions and annotations are given to the 62 species recognized . The following are described as new : Cassipourea ...
Cassipourea euryoides from
... Cassipourea euryoides 0.70 * Fagara heitzii Cassipourea malosana 0.59 * Fagara macrophylla Ceiba pentandra 0.26 Ficus iteophylla Celtis brieyi 0.50 * Ficus mucuso Celtis mildbraedii 0.56 * Funtumia africana Celtis spp . 0.59 Fumtumia ...
Cassipourea euryoides from
... euryoides Bullock 250 Canthium giordanoi Chiov . 250 Canthium maleolens Chiov . 242 Canthium mombazense Baill . 43 ... Cassipourea Aubl . 114 Cassipourea abyssinica ( Engl . ) Alston 115 Cassipourea congoënsis DC . 115 Cassipourea ...
Cassipourea euryoides from
... Cassipourea euryoides and Oldfieldia somalensis. Specifically from the Somali section of the dry evergreen forest, Senni (1935) also lists Cecchia somalensis, Diospyros cornii, Salacia spp., Sideroxylon inerme, Delonix elata, Parkia ...
Cassipourea euryoides from
... Cassipourea barteri N.E. Br . , 8 Cassipourea celastroïdes Alston , 10 Cassipourea congoensis DC . , 13 Cassipourea eickii ( Engl . ) Alston , 12 Cassipourea elliottii ( Engl . ) Alston , 12 Cassipourea euryoides Alston , 11 Cassipourea ...