Catophractes alexandri from
... Catophractes alexandri which can also spread by means of rhizomes ( Cole 1986 ) . Subcanopy Floristics : the 134 species listed as the subcanopy flora in the KTV obviously do not constitute a flora in a formal sense but are merely an ...
Catophractes alexandri from
... Catophractes alexandri and a wide variety of herbs and grasses . On ter- mitaria in this area up to 10 m large trees of mopane and Combretum imberbe preponderate . In the mountainous parts of Kaokoland , such as the escarpment and ...
Catophractes alexandri from
... Catophractes alexandri . The massive degradation in the basin of Okamungudona was al- ready mentioned when ... Catophractes type , also including the species Catophractes alexandri and those of the small river channel Bridelia ...
Catophractes alexandri from
... Catophractes alexandri 2N Tragus berteronianus 2N 1 Catophractes alexandri 3N 3N 1 Ziziphus mucronata Catophractes alexandri 4N 4N 1 Rhigozum trichotomum Acacia luederitzii 10 Acacia mellifera 6 Acacia erioloba Grewia flava 10.3 9 / N4 ...
Catophractes alexandri from
... Catophractes alexandri , Sarcocaulon burmanni , S. rigidum , and Hoodia gordoni on the plains ; Euphorbia gregaria in the low - lying valleys , and along the dry river - beds Acacia giraffæ , A. albida , Combretum primigenum , Euclea ...
Catophractes alexandri from
... Catophractes Alexandri VOL . XVIII . · 238 244 . 308 5 C TAB . 23.7 24 . 25. Lepidosiren annectens 26 . [ 727 ]
Catophractes alexandri from
... Catophractes Alexandri , 22 . Caulinia lævis , 83 . Ceodes , of Forster , on the Genus , by B. Seemann , 244 . umbellata , 244 , 245 ; umbelli- fera , 244 , 245 . Cerastium tetrandrum , 377 . Cetraria glauca , var . fallax , 154 . Chara ...
Catophractes alexandri from
... Catophractes alexandri , Sarcocaulon burmanni , S. rigidum , and Hoodia gordoni on the plains ; Euphorbia gregaria in the low - lying valleys , and along the dry river - beds Acacia giraffæ , A. albida , Combretum primigenum , Euclea ...
Catophractes alexandri from
... Catophractes Welwitschi ( sp . nov . ) , Seem . ( Tab . XXXIX . ) ; caule ramis spinis calycibusque niveo- v ... Alexandri the filaments rise distinctly from the base of the corolla - tube , and their starting- point is indicated ...
Catophractes alexandri from
... ( Catophractes alexandri ) , Marula ( Sclerocarya birrea ) , Tamboti ( Spirostachys africana ) , Apple Leaf ( Philenoptera violacea ) , Weeping Wattle ( Peltophorum africanum ) , Angolan Green - thorn ( Balanites angolensis ) ...