Chironia purpurascens from
Chironia Fischeri , Schoch ( 1903 ) , is C. floribunda , Paxt . ( 1844 ) . The two names were first published ... purpurascens proper . Chironia Bachmannii , Schoch ( 1903 ) , is C. Bachmannii , Gilg ( 1898 ) . This form , though ...
Chironia purpurascens from
... Chironia palustris subsp. palustris Chironia purpurascens subsp. humilis Chlorophytum bowkeri Chlorophytum cooperi Chlorophytum trichophlebium Clematis brachiata Clematis villosa subsp. stanleyi Cleome gynandra Colchicum melanthioides ...
Chironia purpurascens from
... Chironia baccifera ND Christmas Berry, Aambeibossie Tangled shrublet to 1 m, with narrow, spreading leaves, and ... purpurascens FM purple Chironia Willowy perennial to 80 cm, with scattered, narrow leaves, and magenta-pink flowers ...
Chironia purpurascens from
... Chironia as generally striate with finely reticulate pattern . Agababyan and Tumanyan ( 1976a ) described pollen of four species of Chironia . In one specimen of Chironia purpurascens the striato - reticulate exine pattern was more open ...
Chironia purpurascens from
... , with Notes on Their Distribution, Economic Value, Native Names, &c John Medley Wood, Maurice Smethurst Evans. M.F. 7 5 Chironia purpurascens , Benth & Hook . PLATE 288 . CHIRONIA PURPURASCENS , Benth & Hook . Plate 288.
Chironia purpurascens from
... Chironia purpurascens , Benth . ( 1 ) Buchanan ; ( 2 ) Nutt . C. laxiflora , Baker . ( 1 ) Mañanja hills , Meller and Kirk . C. densiflora , Scott - Elliot . ( 1 ) Shire Highlands , Scott - Elliot . Chironia sp . ( 2 ) Nutt . Faroa ...
Chironia purpurascens from
... Chironia L. Gentianaceae A mythological creature, father of medicine and surgery, half horse and half man, son of ... purpurascens Benth. & Hook. f. subsp. humilis (Gilg) Verd. (Chironia humilis Gilg; Chironia humilis var. wilmsii ...
Chironia purpurascens from
... Chironia purpurascens ( a ) flowering shoot ( x ) ; ( b ) corolla opened out showing epipetalous stamens with coiled anthers ( x1 ) ; ( c ) cross section of ovary with 2 parietal placentas ( x3 ) . 2 Voyria primuloides ( a ) habit ( x3 ) ...
Chironia purpurascens from
Chironia purpurascens subsp purpurascens Chironia Enicostema axillare subsp axillare Ebony family Karoo bluebush Karoo bluebush Karoo bluebush Bladder - nut Blue guarri Magic guarri Lance - leaved guarri Natal guarri Natal guarri Guarri ...
Chironia purpurascens from
... arbutifolia . edulis . From Botanic Gardens , Durban . Erythea armata . Erythea Agapanthus umbellatus , Albuca sp . Anemone Fanniniæ , Anomatheca cruenta Aristea Eckloni , Ceratotheca triloba , Chironia purpurascens , Clematis 79.