Chironia Fischeri , Schoch ( 1903 ) , is C. floribunda , Paxt . ( 1844 ) . The two names were first published ... purpurascens proper . Chironia Bachmannii , Schoch ( 1903 ) , is C. Bachmannii , Gilg ( 1898 ) . This form , though ...
... Chironia as generally striate with finely reticulate pattern . Agababyan and Tumanyan ( 1976a ) described pollen of four species of Chironia . In one specimen of Chironia purpurascens the striato - reticulate exine pattern was more open ...
... Chironia tetragona has the sepals joined more than halfway and a thickened collar in the throat of the flower . 4 Chironia purpurascens JFMAMJJASOND Purple Chironia Willowy perennial to 80.
... Chironia baccifera M A M J J A S 0 N D Christmas Berry , Aambeibossie Tangled shrublet to 1 m , with narrow ... purpurascens Purple Chironia Willowy perennial to 80 cm , with scattered , narrow leaves , and magenta - pink flowers ...
... Chironia purpurascens , Sopubia simplex ( 364 ) , Bopusia scabra , Teucrium riparium , Polygonum lanigerum , P. lapathifolium . Many of these species are found also in the moist transitional zone around the margins of the scrub and bush ...