... Cissampelos mucronata can be found flowering almost throughout the year. Ecology Cissampelos mucronata occurs in deciduous bushland, often on termite hills and rock outcrops, in riverine forests and swamps, up to 1800 m altitude. It ...
... Cissampelos pareira L. var. hirsuta (Buch.-Ham. ex DC.) Forman (Cissampelos hirsuta Buch.-Ham. ex DC.) India, Nepal ... mucronata A. Rich.; Cissampelos pareira subvar. hirta (A. Rich.) Engl.; Cissampelos pareira var. deglabrescens ...
... Cissampelos mucronata to treat VD and leaves with those of the same Cissampelos rubbed into the skin to reduce swellings ( authority Williamson ) . The Zulus use an infusion to treat influenza and stomachache , a leaf infusion for ...
A Study of Herbalism in Southern Malawi Brian Morris. Caturnaregum spinosa Cissampelos mucronata Clerodendrum uncinatum Cyphostemma buchananii Dalbergia melanoxylon D. Nyasae Deinbollia xanthocarpa Diospyros kirkii D. mespiliformis D ...