Cissus grisea from
... grisea Alston in J.B. 77 : 222 ( 1939 ) ; J.E. Burrows , S. Afr . Ferns : 24 ... grisea but Burrows keeps S. grisea and S. dregei distinct and records ... Cissus , Steganotaenia , Tarchonanthus , Grewia , Sterculia , Plectranthus ...
Cissus grisea from
... Cissus integrifolia ( Baker ) Planch . Cissus quadrangularis L. Cissus welwitschii ( Baker ) Planch . 06 16 17 20 42 02 03 04 43 20 21 23 27 01 02 04 14 20 31 34 37 04 36 Cissus grisea ( Baker ) Planch . 36 Cyphostemma buchananii ...
Cissus grisea from
... Apelocissus multistriata(Bak.) Planch Cayratia ibuensis(Hook.f.) Suesseng Cissus grisea (Bak.) Planch C.nigropilosa Dewit. Cyphostemma congestum (Bak.) Descoings C.glanulosissimum(Gilg. & Brabdt.) Descoings C.kervoodei(Dewit) ...
Cissus grisea from
... Cissus floribunda , Planch . - - floridana , Rafin . fluminicola , Steud . Cissus repanda , Vahll . Vitis Munsoniana ... grisea , Baker Cissus grisea , Planch . Hancockii , Hance Hardyi , Lécard hastata , Miq . = havanica , Regel ...
Cissus grisea from
... Cissus gracilis Guill . & Perr . Climbing or trailing herb 1–7 m long , all parts more or less hairless , ten- drils ... grisea ( Baker ) Planch . C. grisea is a species of low altitudes ( 200-950 m ) in riverine bush and rocky ...
Cissus grisea from
... Cissus petiolata Hook . f . Vitis integrifolia Bak . Cissus integrifolia V. erythrodes Fresen . Rhoicissus ery ... grisea Bak . Planch . 472 . Cissus grisea ( Bak . ) V. grossedentata Büttner Cissus Smi- thiana ( Bak . ) Planch ...
Cissus grisea from
... Cissus grisea , Tacazzea apiculata , Stomatostemma monteroae , Fockea multiflora and Cissus welwitschii . The grass layer is dominated by Panicum sp . Other grass species are Dactyloctenium aegyptiacum , Melinis repens and Aristida ...
Cissus grisea from
... Cissus schmitzii Dewit in Bull . Jard . Bot . Brux . 29 : 292 ( 1959 ) ... grisea ( Bak . ) Planch . in A. & C. DC . , Mon. Phan . 5 , 2 : 622 ( 1887 ) ... grisea Bak . in Oliv . , F.T.A. 1 : 395 ( 1868 ) . Type as above . Climber ...
Cissus grisea from
... ( Cissus farinosa ) . D. VITIS FERRUGINEA Rafinesque ( V. Labrusca ) . I. 311 VITIS HEDELRE FOLIO SERRATO Plum . ( V ... GRISEA Baker ( Cissus grisea ) D. .... VITIS INCISIFOLIA Davin ( V. æstivalis ) ... I. 343 VITIS HANCOCKII Hance ...
Cissus grisea from
... grisea Cissus sp. Ficus sp. Gaertnera sp. Harungana madagascariensis Ilex mitis Maesa lanceolata Medinilla sp.c Nuxia sp.d Oncostemum botryoides Psidium cattleianum Psychotria sp. Psychotria sp. Psychotria sp. Psychotria sp ...