... Cissus gracilis Guill . & Perr . Climbing or trailing herb 1-7 m long , all parts more or less hairless , ten- drils ... grisea ( Baker ) Planch . C. grisea is a species of low altitudes ( 200-950 m ) in riverine bush and rocky ...
... Cissus grisea , Tacazzea apiculata , Stomatostemma monteroae , Fockea multiflora and Cissus welwitschii . The grass layer is dominated by Panicum sp . Other grass species are Dactyloctenium aegyptiacum , Melinis repens and Aristida ...
... Cissus grisea , and Ipomoea aquatica ) . Typha domingensis ( Bulrush ) is more common in the Middle Shire than on the Lower Shire . Where they do occur , they tend to occupy the shallow marshes parallel to the main river channel ...