Commicarpus pentandrus from
... Commicarpus Standl . , 8 , 2 Commicarpus africanus ( Lour . ) Dandy , 5 , 12 Commicarpus africanus sensu auct . , 12 ... pentandrus ( Burch . ) Heimerl , 9 , 10 Commicarpus pentandrus sensu auctt . , 9 , 10 Commicarpus plumbagineus ...
Commicarpus pentandrus from
... Commicarpus chinensis (L.) Heimerl subsp. natalen- sis Meikle (Boerhavia chinensis (L.) Asch. & Schweinf.; Valeriana ... pentandrus Heimerl (Boerhavia pentandra Burch.; Commicarpus pentandrus (Burch.) Heimerl) Namibia. See Nat ...
Commicarpus pentandrus from
... Commicarpus pentandrus was first collected by William J. Burchell [ 1781- 1863 ] along the Vaal River in Griqua ... Commicarpus by Heimerl ( 1934 ) . It is a forb with trailing stems of 18 20 20 22 24 24 26 28 30 124 32 0 200 400 ...
Commicarpus pentandrus from
... Commicarpus pentandrus ( Burch . ) Heimerl ( = Boerhavia pentandra Burch . ) 2 s + Trop Afr 1. Meikle , R.D. 1978. A key to Commicarpus . Notes from the Royal Botanic Garden , Edinburgh 36 : 235-249 . 2. Whitehouse , C. 1996 ...
Commicarpus pentandrus from
... Commicarpus pentandrus ( Burch . ) Heimerl 112 Commicarpus plumbagineus ( Cav . ) Standl . 112 Commiphora Jacq . Commiphora africana ( A. Rich . ) Engl . Cordia L. Cordia abyssinica R. Br . Cordia africana Lam . 409 409 409 ; 701 ...
Commicarpus pentandrus from
... Commicarpus pentandrus ( Burch . ) Heimerl : FPNA 1 : 142 ( 1948 ) ; FCB 2 : 89 ( 1951 ) ; WICKENS 1976 : 96. [ Commicarpus afri- canus auct . , non ( Lour . ) Dandy ex Andrews : FPS 1 : 152 ( 1950 ) , pro parte , quoad syn . Boerhavia ...
Commicarpus pentandrus from
... Commicarpus pentandrus ( S. Africa ; Schlechter 4339 ) : 100 μ . Diameter of foramina 6 μ . Nexine tubuliferous . — Mirabilis californica ( California ; Brandegee 826 ) : diameter 115 μ.-M. jalapa ( loc . div . ) : about 160 μ.- M ...
Commicarpus pentandrus from
... Commicarpus comprises about 25 species and occurs throughout the tropics, but mainly in Africa. In Namibia a root decoction of Commicarpus pentandrus (Burch.) Heimerl mixed with Thesium lineatum L.f. is taken orally to treat gonorrhoea ...