Glumes distichous, persistent on and deciduous with rachilla, basalmost without a flower, remaining ones each with a bisexual flower, keel broadly winged.
Sep 21, 2024 · Annual herb, 12-80 cm tall, yellowish-green, with slender rootstock; culms tufted, 11-80 cm long, 3-angled with longitudinal ridges, glabrous.
Publications · POWO follows these authorities in synonymising this name: · This name was accepted following an alternative taxonomy by these authorities:.
Annual herb, 12-80 cm tall, yellowish-green, with slender rootstock; culms tufted, 11-80 cm long, 3-angled with longitudinal ridges, glabrous.
Sep 21, 2024 · Description: Annual herb, 12-80 cm tall, yellowish-green, with slender rootstock; culms tufted, 11-80 cm long, 3-angled with longitudinal ridges ...
This is the interpretation of the species as published in The Plant List with literature. To view GBIFs view on this species see the backbone version.
8-38(-80) cm tall, slightly slender, compressed cylindric, sometimes obtusely 3-angled at apical part, smooth. Leaves several, basal, shorter than to equaling ...
Herbs, annual or short-lived perennial. Roots fibrous. Culms scattered, with leaves basally. Leaves basal, 3-ranked; ligule absent.
Courtoisina cyperoides is an annual cyperaceae, erect, that grows in dense leafy clumps. The stems are trigonal, glabrous, from 20-60 cm high. The numerous ...
Courtoisina assimilis (Steud.) Maquet. Species details: Click on each item to see an explanation of that item (Note: opens a new window)