Did you mean: Courtoisie
Courtoisina from
... Courtoisina Soják Courtoisina Soják , Cas . Nar . Mus . , Odd . Prir . 148 : 193 ( 1980 ) ; Haines & Lye , Sedges & Rushes E Afr .: 174-175 ( 1983 ) . Courtoisia Nees ( 1834 ) , nom . illeg . , non Marchand ( 1830 ) . Tufted annuals ...
Courtoisina from
... Courtoisina and Cyperus subgenus Pycnostachys . In analysis 8 , the clade also lacks Courtoisina and Cyperus subgenus Pycnostachys , while Nelmesia is included . In analyses 19 and 20 the clade lacks Sphaerocyperus , and Kyllingiella is ...
Courtoisina from
... Courtoisina assimilis 0461050 COURTOISINA J. Sojak 1. Maquet . 1988. Bull . Jard . Bot . Nat . Belg . 58 : 265 . 100 assimilis ( Steud . ) P. Maquet ( Courtoisia assimilis ( Steud . ) C.B. Cl . ) 1 0462000 KYLLINGA Rottb . 1 ...
Courtoisina from
... Courtoisina Courtoisina Soják ( ~ Cyperus ) . Cyperaceae . 2 Afr . , Madag . , India cous root Lomatium ambiguum cousin mahoe Urena lobata Cousinia Cass . Compositae ( Card . - Card . ) . c . 500 E Medit . ( Eur . 1 ) to C As . & W ...
Courtoisina from
... COURTOISINA Courtoisina Soják is a small genus of two species found in Africa , Madagascar , India , and southeastern Asia ( Haines & Lye , 1983 ; Gordon- Gray , 1995 ; Vorster , 1996 ; Mabberley , 1997 ) . Courtoisina cyperoides ( Roxb ...
Courtoisina from
... COURTOISINA Soják in Cas . Nár . Mus . , Odd . Prír . 148 : 193 ( 1979 publ . 1980 ) Courtoisia Nees in Wight , Contr . Bot . Ind .: 92 ( 1834 ) , non March ( 1830 ) ; C.B. Clarke in F.T.A. 8 : 403 ( 1902 ) , nom . illegit . Cyperus L ...
Courtoisina from
... Courtoisina cyperoides ( Roxb . ) Soják , is appar- ently represented in sthn Afr . by a subspecies ( Vorster 1978 ) , for which there is as yet no combination in Courtoisina . Cyathocoma Nees Nees : 300 ( 1835 ) . 0494020 Macrochaetium ...
Courtoisina from
... Courtoisina Soják Courtoisina cyperoides (Roxb.) Soják Kyllinga cyperoides Roxb.; Mariscus cyperoides (Roxb.) A.Dietr. (1, 4) Annual wetland weedy herbs. W, C, E Nepal: 200-1200 m. Nepal, Asia, Africa and Australasia. Cyperus L ...
Courtoisina from
... Courtoisina assimilis ; Cyperus amauropus , aucheri , maculatus , papyrus , rotundus , rotundus subsp . tuberosus , subumbellatus ; Kyllinga erecta ; Schoenoplectus corymbosus var . brachyceras , littoralis . Leaves : Courtoisina ...
Courtoisina from
... Courtoisina cyperoides ( Roxb . ) J. Sojak in Cas . Nar . Muz . ( Prague ) 148 : 193. ( 1979 ) 1980. Kyllinga cyperoides Roxb . , Fl . Ind . 1 : 187. 1820 . Courtoisia cyperoides ( Roxb . ) Nees in Linnaea 9 : 286. 1834 ; Clarke in Hook ...