Tufted perennial with a short creeping rhizome, obtusely trigonous. Stems up to 20-30 cm tall, base covered by brownish disintegrating sheaths.
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Cyperus triceps | Flora Malesiana
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Confused with C. sesquiflorus, from which it is distinguishable by the shape of the inflorescence, the narrow spikelets, and the narrow, brown fruits.
Cyperus triceps Endl. First published in Cat. Horti Vindob. 1: 94 (1842) This name is a synonym of Cyperus dubius var. dubius.
Leaves 3–5(–8), flat to V-shaped, 7–30(–45) cm × 1.5–3.5(–6) mm, often becoming involute in drying, usually glabrous, except for scattered prickles on keel, ...
Kingdom. Plantae · Phylum. Tracheophyta · Class. Liliopsida · Order. Poales · Family. Cyperaceae · Genus. Cyperus L.
Jul 28, 2017 · The genus Kyllinga is unlikely to survive, and there is strong support to sink it into Cyperus. Whether K. tenuifolia as a synonym of C. dubius ...
Rottb. Taxon Remarks, Possible variant of Cyperus triceps F.N.Williams. Generic Name, Cyperus. Scientific Name, Cyperus triceps Rottb.
Cyperus triceps (Rottb.) Endl., Catalogus Horti Academici Vindobonensis 1 (1842). Full Record.
Used for treating diabetes and fever (Johnson 1999). Synonyms. Kyllinga triceps Rottb., Descriptiones et Iconem Rariores : 14, t. 4, fig. 6(1773) ...
Cyperus triceps (Rottb.) Endl. species. Accepted. Name authority: APC. Overview; Gallery; Names; Classification; Charts; Literature; Data Partners; Traits.