... Disperis macowanii ○ Map 128. Disperis nemorosa Map 129. Disperis parvifolia o D. reichenbachiana T mm long , apex rounded , hairy . This is 21 Disperis 159.
... Disperis nemorosa . Another interesting shrub found at this altitude is Gymnosporia gracilipes , var . arguta . From 8000-9000 feet bamboos ( Arundinaria sp . , probably A. alpina ) form an almost impenetrable zone . Within this range ...
... all kinds , Peperomias and a few other plants . Amongst the latter is a very deli- cate , slender orchid , which always lives on wet leaf mould and has been named Disperis nemorosa by Mr. Rendle 102 A NATURALIST IN MID - AFRICA .