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Field Guide to Trees of Southern Africa
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... Elaeodendron zeyheri (p. 354) today. 3 Elaeodendron matabelicum (= Cassine matabelica) | condiment-saffron (Z); condiment saffronwood (SA); kruiesafraan 3 E. matabelicum: flowers opposite or subopposite, occasionally alternate on the ...
Library of Congress Subject Headings
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... Elaeodendron argan USE Argania spinosa Elaeodendron matabelicum USE Cassine matabelica Elaeoselinum ( May Subd Geog ) [ QK495.U48 ] BT Umbelliferae Elaeusa Sebaste ( Extinct city ) USE Elaiussa Sebaste ( Extinct city ) Elagin family ...
Library of Congress Subject Headings: A-E
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... Elaeodendron matabelicum Cassino ( Italy ) , Battle of , 1944 UF Monte Cassino ( Italy ) , Battle of , 1944 BT World War , 1939-1945 - Campaigns- Italy Cassiope ( Mythical queen ) UF Cassiopea ( Mythical queen ) Kassiope ( Mythical ...
Library of Congress Subject Headings
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... Elaeodendron matabelicum Cassino ( Italy ) , Battle of , 1944 UF Monte Cassino ( Italy ) , Battle of , 1944 BT World War , 1939-1945 - Campaigns- Italy Cassiope ( Mythical queen ) UF Cassiopea ( Mythical queen ) Kassiope ( Mythical ...
Library of Congress Subject Headings
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... Elaeodendron argan USE Argania spinosa Elaeodendron matabelicum USE Cassine matabelica Elaeoselinum ( May Subd Geog ) [ QK495.U48 ] BT 2370.
Timbers 2
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... Elaeodendron comprises about 40 species and occurs in Asia, Australia, Central America and Africa, where 8 species are found. The wood of Elaeodendron matabelicum Loes. (synonym: Cassine matabelica (Loes.) Steed- man), a shrub or small ...
Palgrave's Trees of Southern Africa
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... Elaeodendron capense Elaeodendron croceum Elaeodendron fruticosum Elaeodendron matabelicum Elaeodendron schlechterianum Elaeodendron transvaalense Elaeodendron zeyheri Elandsboontjie Elephant-root Elephant-root, Broad-pod Elephant ...
Plants of Southern Africa: Names and Distribution
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... ELAEODENDRON Jacq . f . = CASSINE capense Eckl . & Zeyh . , Sond . p.p. non C. capensis L. = Cassine papillosa croceum ( Thunb . ) DC . Cassine crocea matabelicum Loes . = Cassine matabelicum reticulatum ( Eckl . & Zeyh ...
Dyes and Tannins
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... Elaeodendron matabelicum (timbers) Cassine matabelica Elephantorrhiza goetzei (fibres) Elephantorrhiza suffruticosa (medicinal plants) Enantia chlorantha (timbers) Enantia kummeriae (medicinal plants) Annickia kummeriae Enantia ...
Memoirs of the Botanical Survey of South Africa
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... MATABELICUM ( LOES . ) STEEDMAN MAYTENUS SENEGALENSIS ( Elaeodendron matabelicum Loes . ) * 6. tenuispina ( Sond . ) Szyszyl . = MAYTENUS 750 C. maurocenta L. = MAUROCENIA FRANGULARIA C. PAPILLOSA ( HOCHST . ) KUNTZE TENUISPINA 6 ...