... Empogona jenniferae (Rubiaceae-Coffeeae). Blumea 63, 87–92. doi: 10.3767/blumea.2018.63.01.08 Clark, V. R., Timberlake, J. R., Hyde, M. A., Mapaura, A., Palgrave, M. C., Wursten, B. T., et al. (2017). A first comprehensive account of ...
This plant glossary includes all descriptive terms used in floras, plant field guides and monographs. This is an essential companion for anyone working with plant descriptions, plant identification keys, floras, monographs and field guides.
Aloes: The definitive guide is a comprehensive account of all known aloes.For the first time since the publication of G.W. Reynolds' two books over 40 years ago, all currently accepted Aloe taxa are brought together, with descriptions, ...
'Responsible Tourism presents a wide variety of valuable lessons learned in responsible tourism initiatives in Southern Africa that many tourism practitioners can use in their efforts to make the tourism sector work for the poor and for the ...