... Empogona jenniferae (Rubiaceae-Coffeeae). Blumea 63, 87–92. doi: 10.3767/blumea.2018.63.01.08 Clark, V. R., Timberlake, J. R., Hyde, M. A., Mapaura, A., Palgrave, M. C., Wursten, B. T., et al. (2017). A first comprehensive account of ...
In the first bilingual work on the reptiles and amphibians of the US–Mexico border, top herpetologists come together to describe the herpetofauna of the states of this region, which includes more than 600 species of toads, frogs, ...
This report was originally intented to report on the herpetological collections made by Dr. E.W. Nelson and Edward A. Goldman in Mexico, but was enlarged to include material available at the National Museum and other American institutions.
This plant glossary includes all descriptive terms used in floras, plant field guides and monographs. This is an essential companion for anyone working with plant descriptions, plant identification keys, floras, monographs and field guides.