... pallida ( Eriochrysis pallida , Munro ) from South Africa , and S. cayennense , the typical Eriochrysis of Beauvois , which last differs only in the very dense almost spike - like panicle . 4. ERIANTHUS , Mich . ( Ripidium , Trin ...
... pallida ( Eriochrysis pallida , Munro ) from South Africa , and S. cayennense , the typical Eriochrysis of Beauvois , which last differs only in the very dense almost spike - like panicle . 4. ERIANTHUS , Mich . ( Ripidium , Trin ...
... pallida ( Eriochrysis pallida , Munro ) from South Africa , and S. cayennense , the typical Eriochrysis of Beauvois , which last differs only in the very dense almost spike - like panicle . 4. ERIANTHUS , Mich . ( Ripidium , Trin ...
... pallida ( Eriochrysis pallida , Munro ) from South Africa , and S. cayennense , the typical Eriochrysis of Beauvois , which last differs only in the very dense almost spike - like panicle . 4. ERIANTHUS , Mich . ( Ripidium , Trin ...
... Eriochrysis pallida , Lewalle 3938 : a , overview , long cells , × 320 ; b , stoma , × 1250 ; c , interstomatal cell ( arrow ) , long cells , × 640 ; d , intercostal silica body ( sb ) , cork cell ( cc ) , × 640 ; e , d f a C e sb PLATE ...
... Eriochrysis pallida Munro in Harvey Gen. S. Afr . Pl . ed . ii . p . 440 ( 1868 ) . HUILLA . Two feet high , widely cęspitose , with the habit of Holcus , spikes a tawny gold colour . Common in peaty places about Humpata ; beginning of ...
... Eriochrysis pallida Munro Perennial ; tufted ; 400-900 mm tall . Leaf blades 100-240 mm long ; 1-4 mm wide . Spike- lets ( sessile ) 3.5-5.0 mm long ( pedicellate shorter ) . Golden callus hairs longer than spikelets . Flowering July to ...