... Eulalia aurea which were planted into moist soil . A further trial in June / July used only 200 A. bivenosa . A large trial in June 1999 used 1400 plants : A. bivenosa and E. aurea in high numbers ; A. coriacea and R. preissii in low ...
... aurea of Gravier is also found at Torquay in the same localities as ornata . The dorsal cirri are distinctly less pointed , and the breadth of the segments greater in proportion to the length than in the case of the other varieties .
... EULALIA PUNCTIFERA ( Grube ) : de St. Joseph , Ann . Sci . Nat . Zool . , v . , 1888 , p . 289. Pl . xii . In dredgings from Millbay Ch . , Asia Sh . , and Yealm ; on the shore at Mt. Edgcumbe and in Yealm estuary ( E.J.A. ) . EULALIA AUREA ...
... Eulalia aurea ( Poaceae ) ; also * Sorghum bicolor ( Poaceae ) . Seasonality Adults are seasonal , occurring only during the wet season and early dry season ( November - May ) , with a peak in abundance in March . The breeding phenology ...
... Eulalia aurea 4 mm POACEAE Euphorbia australis 0.5 mm Exocarpos aphyllus 6 mm Exocarpos sparteus EUPHORBIACEAE SANTALACEAE 5 mm SANTALACEAE 3 mm FABACEAE 4 mm FABACEAE 4 mm FABACEAE 5. 109 Australian Seeds.