Eureiandra from
... EUREIANDRA L. E. Newton & G. N. Njoroge Eureiandra Hooker fil . ( in Bentham & Hooker , Gen. Pl . 1 : 825 , 1867 ) . T : Eureiandra formosa Hooker fil . - D : Tropical Africa , Socotra . Etym : Gr . ' eu ' , truly ; ' -rei ...
Eureiandra from
... Eureiandra bequaertii, 222 Eureiandra congolensis, 222 Eureiandra fasciculata, 221 Eureiandra formosa var. hirtella, 222 Eureiandra schweinfurthii, 222 Euryanthe, 57 Euryanthe schiedeana, 58 Ewaldia, 27 G Galactia lugardii, 674 ...
Eureiandra from
... Eureiandra formosa Hook . f . in Benth . & Hook . f . , Gen. Pl . 1 : 825 ( 1867 ) . Type : Angola , Welwitsch 807 ( BM , holotype , K , isotype ! ) . Eureiandra schweinfurthii Cogn . in DC . , Monogr . Phan . 3 : 416 ( 1881 ) . Type ...
Eureiandra from
... Eureiandra Hook . f . , 41 Eureiandra cogniauxii ( Gilg ) C. Jeffrey , 44 Eureiandra fasciculata ( Cogn . ) C. Jeffrey , 43 Eureiandra parvifolia Chiov . , 44 Eureiandra sp . A , 41 Eureiandra sp . B , 43 Fevillea pedata Sims , 15 ...
Eureiandra from
Arthur Wallis Exell, Hiram Wild, Abílio Fernandes. 2. Eureiandra lasiandra C. Jeffrey in Kew Bull . 30 : 476 ( 1975 ) . Type from Tanzania . Eureiandra sp . B.-C. Jeffrey in F.T.E.A. , Cucurb .: 43 ( 1967 ) . Scandent perennial to 4 m ...
Eureiandra from
... EUREIANDRA 236 Eureiandra cogniauxii 236 Eureiandra parvifolia 236 Eureiandra somalensis 236 EXCOECARIA 267 , 304 , 305 Excoecaria madagascariensis 305 , 306 FABACEAE 341 Fabaceae subfam . Caesalpinioideae 342 , 361 Fabaceae subfam ...
Eureiandra from
... EUREIANDRA Hook.f. , 51 Eureiandra somalensis ( Chiov . ) C. Jeffrey , 51 Eureiandra sp . = De Wilde 6662 , 51 Excoecaria abyssinica Muell . Arg . , 328 Excoecaria manniana Muell . Arg . , 328 FEIJOA O. Berg , 72 Feijoa sellowiana ...
Eureiandra from
... Eureiandra , 52 , 66 Eureiandra balfourii , 250 Euryops , 59 Euryops arabicus , 100 , 101 * , 218 , 240 , 242 , 250 Ехасит , 56 , 66 , 76–78 E. affine , 56 , 76 , 77 * , 213 E. caeruleum , 77 E. gracilipes , 56 , 77 E. socotranum ...
Eureiandra from
Charles R. Gunn. Eureiandra Fitzalania. Erythranthera Poaceae Erythrina Fabaceae ... Eureiandra Cucurbitaceae Euroschinus Euroschinus Anacardiaceae Eurya Theaceae Euryale Nymphaeaceae Eurybiopsis Asteraceae Eurycarpus 361 Genus Catalog.
Eureiandra from
... Eureiandra Hook.f. Eureiandra Hook.f. , Gen. Pl . 1 : 826 ( 1867 ) . Dioecious , perennial ( rarely annual ? ) , herbaceous to woody climbers with tuberous rootstocks ( to 20 cm in diam . ) . Leaves entire or palmately 3-5 - lobed ...