... Fagonia glutinosa . Del . Desert south and west of Dead Sea . 4. Fagonia kahirina . Boiss . South - west end of Dead Sea . 5. Fagonia sinaica . Boiss . Diagn . Ser . i . , viii . , p . 122 . Area , Algerian deserts . Boiss . Diagn . Ser ...
... FAGONIA SINAICA COMPLEX All the species of this complex are re- presented in Egypt : F. cretica L. , F. si- naica BOISS . and F. tenuifolia STEUD . & HOCHST . They are sparsely glandular , prostrate shrublets with quadrangular sulcate ...
... Fagonia sinaica . These then give way to larger species like Artemisia herba- alba , Anabasis articulata , and Gymnocarpos decander . Lower still , with more area from which to drain water , the wadi supports the true shrubs Retama ...
... Fagonia arabica , F. schimperi , Iphiona mucronata , Zilla spinosa and Zygophyllum coccineum . Wadi Ratama extends for some 55 km to the north of El - Tor where its trunk ... Fagonia glutinosa , F. sinaica , Hammada The vegetation 287.