Faroa axillaris from
... Faroa axillaris Faroa schaijesiorum Djaloniella ypsilostyla Pycnosphaera buchananii ZZZZZZZZ 8www Helieae Potalieae Figure 2.3 . Strict consensus tree from an analysis of a combined matrix of taxa of the Gentianales for which both matK ...
Faroa axillaris from
... Faroa Welw . , 30 Faroa acaulis R.E. Fr. , 31 Faroa acuminata P. Taylor , 35 Faroa alata P. Taylor , 35 Faroa amara Baker & N.E. Br . , 32 Faroa axillaris Baker , 31 Faroa boehmii Engl . , 35 Faroa buchananii Baker , 38 Faroa gomphrenoides ...
Faroa axillaris from
... Faroa Welw . , 30 Faroa acaulis R.E. Fr. , 31 Faroa acuminata P. Taylor , 35 Faroa alata P. Taylor , 35 Faroa amara Baker & N.E. Br . , 32 Faroa axillaris Baker , 31 Faroa boehmii Engl . , 35 Faroa buchananii Baker , 38 Faroa gomphrenoides ...
Faroa axillaris from
... Faroa axillaris , Baker , 1898 , 158 . - Buchanani , Baker , 1894 , 26 . - graveolens , Baker , 1894 , 26 . pusilla , Baker , 1894 , 26 . Farrer , W. J. , 1906 , 226 . Farsetia longistyla , Baker , 1895 , 211 . Fat hen " in Australia ...
Faroa axillaris from
... Faroa axillaris , Baker . ( 2 ) Masuku plateau , Whyte . Causcora decussata , R. Br . ( 2 ) North Nyasaland , Whyte . C. diffusa , R. Br . ( 2 ) Fort Hill and Mpata , Whyte . C. ramosissima , Baker . ( 2 ) Fort Hill , Whyte . Swertia ...
Faroa axillaris from
... Faroa axillaris Baker Taylor 326 H 0 Taxon , authority , collector & no . ( herbarium 146 Checklist of the South Luangwa National Park , Zambia.
Faroa axillaris from
... Faroa axillaris Baker in Kew Bull . 1898 : 158 ( 1898 ) . —Baker & N.E. Br . in F.T.A. 4 , 1 : 566 ( 1903 ) . -Boutique in Fl . Afr . Centr . , Gentianaceae : 24 ( 1972 ) . —Taylor in Garçia de Orta , Sér . Bot . 1 : 74 , t . 5 fig . 7 ...
Faroa axillaris from
... Faroa axillaris Baker in Kew Bull . 1898 : 158 ( 1898 ) . -Baker & N.E. Br . in F.T.A. 4 , 1 : 566 ( 1903 ) . -Boutique in Fl . Afr . Centr . , Gentianaceae : 24 ( 1972 ) . -Taylor in Garçia de Orta , Sér . Bot . 1 : 74 , t . 5 fig . 7 ...
Faroa axillaris from
... Faroa axillaris Bak . Fta .. nyasica N.E.Br. Fta Chit Central .. GENTIANACEĈ continued Pycnosphaeria buchanani ( Bak . ) N.E.Br. Fta 51 Name District or Region Reference.
Faroa axillaris from
... Faroa axillaris Baker Faroa schaijesiorum Bamps Frasera paniculata Torr . Gardenia taitensis DC . Rubiaceae Gentianaceae C.-H. Tsou 207 ( NY ) AF102421 L. Andersson et al . 2041 ( S ) AF102422 Gentianaceae M. Schaijes 5076 ( BR ) ...