Gymnosporia buxifolia from
... Gymnosporia buxifolia 222 Blue Guarri Gymnosporia buxifolia 222 Quilted Sagewood Quilted Bluebush Euclea crispa 204 Quilted Sagewood Buddleja salviifolia 192 Diospyros lycioides 206 Buffalo - thorn Jujube Buddleja salviifolia 192 Velvet ...
Gymnosporia buxifolia from
... Gymnosporia buxifolia ( Pendoorn ) , and Salacia ? transvaalensis ( Lepelhout ) , The most abundant of the shrubby plants are : Rhus Engleri , Grewia n . sp . ? ( Galpin No. M.39 ) , Carissa arduina , Ehretia hottentotica , Gymnosporia ...
Gymnosporia buxifolia from
... Gymnosporia buxifolia , p . 33. It is normally single - stemmed with very coarse bark , with channelled ridges . This is shown in the photograph on the opposite page , while the Red Spikethorn is mostly multi - stemmed with smooth ...
Gymnosporia buxifolia from
... Gymnosporia bachmannii 43 Hyphaene petersiana 3 Ficus cordata 7 Gymnosporia buxifolia 43 Ficus craterostoma 7 Gymnosporia capitata 43 lex mitis 42 Ficus glumosa 7 Gymnosporia devenishii 43 Indigofera frutescens 26 Ficus ilicina 7 ...
Gymnosporia buxifolia from
... Gymnosporia acuminata ( L. ) Syzsyz . 1. Fruiting twig . 2. Seed with ... buxifolia ( Fig . 107 ) , which occurs in almost all parts of the country ... Gymnosporia buxifolia , but smaller and more slender , and easily recognised ...
Gymnosporia buxifolia from
... Gymnosporia Genus of trees , shrubs or rhizomatous dwarf shrubs , usually with spines , rarely without spines , with long shoots and weakly- or well - developed short shoots ( brachyblasts ) ... Gymnosporia buxifolia E. Schmidt. 336.
Gymnosporia buxifolia from
... Gymnosporia buxifolia et G. maranguensis ; F. White , F.F.N.R .: 218 ( 1962 ) , pro parte quoad syn . M. cymosa ; et auct . plur . non ( Lam . ) Exell ] Gymnosporia nyassica Gilli in Ann . Naturhist . Mus . Wien 74 : 443 , t . 4/2 ...
Gymnosporia buxifolia from
... Gymnosporia buxifolia Gymnosporia maranguensis Acacia caffra- Acacia karroo Dombeya rotundifolia Sclerocarya birrea Dichrostachys cinerea Acacia nilotica Hippobromus pauciflorus Rhus pentheri S SS S SS SSSS S SSS S S SS S S دمون SSSS ...
Gymnosporia buxifolia from
... Gymnosporia buxifolia Linn . ( Zulu , isiHlango ) .— Common near bush , Hlabisa to Ubombo , 800 ft . - 200 ft . ( 54 ) Gymnosporia sp . - Leaves only . Ingwavuma , 100 ft . ( 16 ) Gymnosporia sp . - Leaves only . Ubombo , 300 ft ...
Gymnosporia buxifolia from
... Gymnosporia buxifolia Gymnosporia heterophylla Gymnosporia polyacanthus subsp. polyacanthus Haemanthus humilis subsp. hirsutus Halleria lucida Haplocarpha scaposa Helichrysum argyrosphaerum Helichrysum cooperi Hesperantha coccinea ...