common spike-thorn
Gymnosporia buxifolia is a species of plant in the bittersweet family (Celastraceae) native to southern Africa. It is commonly known as the pioneer spike-thorn or common spike-thorn.
Gymnosporia buxifolia (L.) Szyszyl. Family: Celastraceae. Common names: spikethorn, common spikethorn, stinking spike-thorn (Eng.); gewone pendoring ...
Gymnosporia buxifolia is a very hardy, drought resistant, semi-deciduous, small tree or large shrub. It is armed with formidable long, straight spines.
Gymnosporia buxifolia is a species of plant in the family Celastraceae native to southern Africa. The common name is Common Spike-thorn.
Common names: Common spike-thorn (English). Frequency: · Status: Native. Description: Variable shrub or small tree, usually with somewhat drooping branches ...
Scientific Name. Gymnosporia buxifolia (L.) Szyszyl. ; Higher Classification. Dicotyledons ; Family. CELASTRACEAE ; Synonyms. Celastrus buxifolius L., Gymnosporia ...
Gymnosporia buxifolia is a species of plant in the family Celastraceae native to southern Africa. The common name is Common Spike-thorn.
Family. Celastraceae ; Common Name. Common Spikethorn, Gewone Pendoring, Umhlongwe ; Description. Multi-stemmed shrub or small tree up to 5m. Bark pale grey to ...
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