Gymnosporia buxifolia common name from
... Gymnosporia - ( Greek gymnos = naked + spora = seed ) ; the seeds remain attached and conspicuous when the fruits open . Gymnosporia buxifolia Common Spikethorn Gyrocarpus - ( Greek gyrein = to spin + karpos = fruit ) ; the winged ...
Gymnosporia buxifolia common name from
... name refers to lepelhout, Pseudocassine transvaalensis, now Elaeodendron transvaalense, whose bark is medicinal; the Zulu common name ingwavuma is also used for the staff tree, Gymnosporia buxifolia. Some authorities claim the name ...
Gymnosporia buxifolia common name from
Ernst van Jaarsveld. Diospyros austro - africana GROWTH RATE spreading HEIGHT FLOWER NAME COMMON NAME / S FORM ( m. Gymnosporia buxifolia Myrsine africana Anisodontea capensis Senecio articulatus HEIGHT FLOWER IN NAME COMMON NAME / S ...
Gymnosporia buxifolia common name from
... common name Star-apple African Satinwood Common Wild Pear Abyssinian Gooseberry Tavilo Palm, Boaka Jungle Rice Cape ... Gymnosporia buxifolia Hagenia abyssinica Halleria lucida Harungana madagascariensis Heisteria sp. Cape Fig ...
Gymnosporia buxifolia common name from
... Gymnosporia buxifolia ( L. ) Szyszl . Common name : pendoring . Kwanyama : oshingodwe , oingodwe ( pl . ) for- merly oshingodue . Description : often straggly shrub to ca. 2 m high ; leaves variable in size and shape , margins finely ...
Gymnosporia buxifolia common name from
... Gymnosporia Celestraceae buxifolia Szynszyl. Lemoen Doring, wondering, pendoringbos (Afrikaans) Roots Root decoctions are consumed for management of common cold. management of common cold and influenza ... Common Name(s) Part of.
Gymnosporia buxifolia common name from
Common Names, Scientific Names, Eponyms, Synonyms, and Etymology Umberto Quattrocchi. 1636 Mays Mill . Gramineae ... Gymnosporia acuminata ( L.f. ) Szyszyl . ) English : silky bark , silkbark Southern Africa : sybas ; isiNama ...
Gymnosporia buxifolia common name from
... Gymnosporia buxifolia (Celastraceae) Gymnosporia heterophylla (Celastraceae) Indigofera nigromontana (Fabaceae) Maytenus undata (Celastraceae) Rubia cordifolia (Rubiaceae) Gymnosporia buxifolia (Celastraceae) Gymnosporia heterophyllla ...
Gymnosporia buxifolia common name from
... Gymnosporia buxifolia Family : Celastraceae Common name : Pendoring One of the most common and widespread species on the Witwatersrand . It is a hardy , evergreen , much - branched shrub , growing to twelve feet high with a rather ...
Gymnosporia buxifolia common name from
Botanical Survey of ... name also applies to Gymnosporia buxifolia ) ; also occasionally called Blouhaak , which name is also applied to A. detinens ; Mohae ( Sesuto ) . Small bushy tree up to 18 feet high and 12 inches diameter . Common ...