Heteranthera callifolia from
... Heteranthera callifolia Kunth . 49 Heteranthera dubia ( Jacquin ) MacMillan 44 , 86 , 107 Heteranthera limosa ( Sw . ) Willd . 44 Heteranthera mexicana Wats . 44 Heteranthera multiflora ( Griseb . ) Horn 44 Heteranthera penduncularis ...
Heteranthera callifolia from
C. N. Kurugundla. Heteranthera callifolia, 203 Hibiscus cannabinus, 96 Hibiscus diversifolius, 97 Hibiscus trionum, 98 Hyacinthaceae, 178 Hydrocharitaceae, 179, 247 Hydrocotyle ranunculoides, 36 Hydrocotyle verticillata, 37 Hygrophila ...
Heteranthera callifolia from
... Heteranthera callifolia Schoenoplectus roylei Cassia mimosoides Aeschynomene indica Marselia minuta Polygonum plebeium Crassocephalum picridifolium Mimosa peregrina Ottelia sp . Rotala tenella Echinochloa sp . Abildgaardia hispidula ...
Heteranthera callifolia from
... Heteranthera callifolia TACCACEAE Tacca involucrata ZINGIBERACEAE Aframomum sp. Costus sp. Dicotyledons ACANTHACEAE WEED PROBLEMS IN IVORY COAST 349.
Heteranthera callifolia from
... Heteranthera callifolia Rchb. (Hutchin- son et al., 1968) - seem never to have been tested, but as rooted plants they would not appear to be ideal hosts. While biological control is slowly taking effect and reducing the extent and ...
Heteranthera callifolia from
I. Okezie Akobundu, C. W. Agyakwa. Botanical name : Heteranthera callifolia Rchb . ex Kunth Common name : ducksalad Description : A glabrous , aquatic herb about 2.5 cm high with submerged stems rooting in the substrate that reproduces ...
Heteranthera callifolia from
... Heteranthera 37 , 324 , 340 , 342 , 344 H. callifolia 343 Heteranthoecia guiniensis 427 Heteropogon contortus 448 Heteropsideae 281 Heterosmilax 127 H. japonica 126 Heterozostera 31 , 317 , 318 H. tasmanica 318 Hewardia 207 Hewardieae ...
Heteranthera callifolia from
... plants are found in this ecoregion: Crinum jagus, Crinum natans, Nymphaea maculate, Nymphaea nouchali, Eichhornia crassipes, Eichhornia natans, Heteranthera callifolia and Dopatrium macranthum. Kasai: With the exception of swamp forests ...
Heteranthera callifolia from
... Heteranthera callifolia , Ipomoea aquatica , Limnophyton obtusifolium , Lophotocarpus guayanensis , Marsilea crenulata , Nymphaea lotus , N. rufescens ( among the most abundant ) , Nymphoides indica , Ottelia ulvifolia and Scholleropsis ...
Heteranthera callifolia from
... Heteranthera callifolia Rchb. ex Kunth PONT A M Ipomea aquatica Forssk. syn. I. reptans CONV P Poiret Echinochloa pyramidalis Hitch & Chase GRAM P AF/ F/T Cyperus esculentus L. CYPE 4 F Cyperus halpan L. syn. C. haspan L. CYPE P;C P ...