Scrambling shrub or small tree. Most parts densely velvety. Leaves opposite, obovate, to elliptic, yellowish green above, paler below, densely covered in soft, ...
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Hippocratea buchananii Loes. [family CELASTRACEAE]. Herbarium. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (K). Collection. Flora Zambesiaca. Resource Type. Reference Sources.
Hippocratea is a genus of flowering plants in the family Celastraceae, usually lianas, native to tropical and subtropical North America, South America and ...
Group. Dicot ; Family. Celastraceae ; Genus. Hippocratea ; Species. Hippocratea buchananii Loes.
Hippocratea buchananii Loes. First published in Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 19: 235 (1894). This name is a synonym of Reissantia buchananii · Taxonomy. Publications ...
Flora of Mozambique: Species information: individual images: Hippocratea buchananii. ...
Hippocratea buchananii Loes. Common names. Velvet paddle pod (English); kalunga-tonto (Kunda); luwu, mlivwi, msachili, mtyoka, mzutu (Nyanja).
Hippocratea buchananii Loes. · See under Reissantia buchananii (Loes.) N. Hallé.