... nyasae but there are only 5-7 lobes on the labellum . The secund flower spikes are very narrow as the flowers do not spread much . Holothrix nyasae Rolfe in Dyer , Fl . Trop . Afr . 7 , 193 ( 1898 ) H. nyasae var . blepharodactyla ...
... Holothrix nyasae Rolfe H.nyasae must be one of the hairiest of all orchids and , although growing up to 40 cm tall , its tiny flowers render it relatively inconspicuous . It has two prostrate basal leaves , up to 4 cm long and 6.5 cm ...
... Holothrix Lastii , H. Nyasae ; Mystacidium angustum ; Platanthera uncata ; Podandria macrandra ; Satyrium breve , S. Buchananii , S. Carsoni , S. cheirophorum , S. densum , S. elongatum , S. Johnsoni , S. Kirkii , S. Kraenzlinii , S ...