Indigofera subulifera from
... subulifera Welw . ex Bak . , F.T.Α. 2 , 96 ( 1871 ) ; L.T.A. No. 209 ; F.C.B. 5 , 156 , non sensu Tisserant , Bull . Mus . Hist . Nat . Par . 2nd ser . 3 ( 1931 ) 167 , 271 . a . var . subulifera . I. mounyinensis Tisserant , 1.c. 168 ...
Indigofera subulifera from
... Indigofera astragalina DC . 0395 ( MO ) eh ( 50cm ) fl ii - iv A1 600-800 Indigofera atriceps Hook . f . subsp ... subulifera Baker 0398 ( MO ) eh ( 20cm ) fl iii - iv A1 600-800 Indigofera sutherlandioides Baker 0715 ( K ) D1 C2 ...
Indigofera subulifera from
... Indigofera praticola Bak . f . , 223 Indigofera prieureana Guill . & Perr . , 237 Indigofera procera Schumach ... subulifera Bak . , 274 , 264 Indigofera subulifera sensu Tisserant , 237 Indigofera sumatrana Gaertn . , 308 ...
Indigofera subulifera from
... INDIGOFERA I. sutherlandioides Welw . ex Bak .; Kew Bull . 52 : 159 , 1997 . syn .: I. baumiana Harms var . paucijuga R. E. Fries , var ... Indigofera suaveolens Tropic of Capricorn Indigofera subulifera 108 LEGUMINOSAE : FABACEAE.
Indigofera subulifera from
... Indigofera subulifera Baker in F.T.A. 2 : 96 ( 1871 ) . —Hiern , Cat . Afr . Pl . Welw . 1 : 215 ( 1896 ) . —E.G. Baker , Legum . Trop . Afr . 1 : 154 ( 1926 ) . —Cronquist in F.C.B. 5 : 156 ( 1954 ) . —Torre in C.F.A. 3 : 115 ( 1962 ) ...
Indigofera subulifera from
... Indigofera antunesiana , 161 Indigofera astragalina , 161 Indigofera atriceps subsp . atriceps , 161 Indigofera ... subulifera , 163 Indigofera tetragona , 161 Indigofera thomsonii , 163 Justicia mollugo 296 Plants of the Nyika Plateau.
Indigofera subulifera from
... Indigofera enneaphylla L .: Oliv . II . 95. Lobito n . 3 . Indigofera subulifera Welw : Oliv . II . 52 ; Hiern I. 215 . Catapi n . 52 . - - - Tunda Huambo Indigofera tinctoria L .: Oliv . II . 99. Tunda n . 179 . Indigofera trita L ...
Indigofera subulifera from
... Indigofera rhinchocarpa Welw .: Oliv . II . 92 ; Hiern I. 213 . n . 205 . - Indigofera enneaphylla L .: Oliv . II . 95. Lobito n . 3 . Indigofera subulifera Welw : Oliv . II . 52 ; Hiern I. 215 . Catapi n . 52 . Indigofera tinctoria L ...
Indigofera subulifera from
... Indigofera rhinchocarpa Welw .: Oliv . H. 92 ; Hiern I. 213 . n . 205 . - Indigofera enneaphylla L .: Oliv . II . 95. Lobito n . 3 . Indigofera subulifera Welw : Oliv . II . 52 ; Hiern 1. 215 . Catapi n . 52 . - Tunda n . 179 ...