Did you mean: Ipomoea adenoides
Ipomoea adenioides from
... Ipomoea indica, 150 Ipomoea jaegeri, 153 Ipomoea kituiensis, 153 Ipomoea longituba, 148 Ipomoea mauritiana, 146 ... adenioides, 150 Ipomoea argentaurata, 145 Ipomoea asarifolia, 144, 145 Ipomoea batatas, 148 Ipomoea blepharophylla ...
Ipomoea adenioides from
Ipomoea adenioides var . adenioides Convolvulaceae Angola , Zimbabwe , Namibia , Botswana , South Africa Ipomoea adenioides Schinz var . adenioides , Schinz in Verhandlungen des Botanischen Vereins der Provinz Brandenburg 30 : 270 ...
Ipomoea adenioides from
... Ipomoea argyreioides , Choisy . North of Gurumanas , in sand , 9572. Haris , 9560 . Ipomoea fragilis , Choisy . Awas Mountains , at Klein Windhuk , on quartzite- slopes , 9793 . Ipomoea adenioides , Schinz . 8 km . north - west of ...
Ipomoea adenioides from
... Ipomoea alba ( 1/3 ) , I. tricolor , I. violacea , Quamoclit pinnata , Turbinia ( = Rivea ) corymbosa ( 1/7 ) ... adenioides , I. asarifolia , I. albivenia , I. aquatica , I. arachnosperma , I. asterophora , I. batatas , I ...
Ipomoea adenioides from
... Ipomoea adenioides is abundant but very local . The following is a list of other species noted : --- Frequent - Crinum longifolium , Microtea tenuissime , Ocimum ameri- canum , Lycium tenue , Ruellia ovata , Barleria jasminiflora ...
Ipomoea adenioides from
... Ipomoea adenioides Schinz . Many are annuals but some are tuberous - rooted perennials . Exam- ples of the latter are Ipomoea bolusiana Schinz which is widespread and has an edible tuber , and I. holubii Bak . Pedaliaceae They have a ...
Ipomoea adenioides from
... Ipomoea adenioides , I. verbascoidea , Lapeirousia gracilis , Moringa ovalifolia , Oxalis purpurascens , Typha latifolia . Blätter , Stengel und Zweige : Aloe littoralis , Cleome gynandra , Corbicho- nia decumbens , Corchorus tridans ...
Ipomoea adenioides from
... Ipomoea Beespatat Ipomoea Common morning glory Ipomoea Ceropegia Ipomoea ... adenioides Periglossum Riocreuxia Caustic vine Mountain secamone Narrow ... ipomoea Ipomoea albivenia Ipomoea bathycolpos Ipomoea bolusiana Ipomoea ...
Ipomoea adenioides from
... Ipomoea adenioides white summer Trompetblom Jamesbrittenia ramosissima Potpouri bush Stinkbos white 1-10 Velcro - bush Kissenia capensis white summer Velcrobossie Lycium afrum Kraal honeythorn Kraal - kriedoring light purple 11-5 Buck ...
Ipomoea adenioides from
... Ipomoea adenioides var . adenioides . Flowering Plants of Africa 56 : 100-104 . WILLIAMS , R. 1999. News from South Africa . Natal Herbarium . SABONET News 4 : 76 , 77 . WILLIAMSON , G. & VAN JAARSVELD , E. 1999. Tylecodon nigri- caulis ...