Isoglossa floribunda from
... Isoglossa candelabrum Lindau , 639 Isoglossa dichotoma ( Hassk . ) B. Hansen , 625 , 627 , 628 Isoglossa dichotoma auct . , 625 , 627 , 629 Isoglossa faulknerae I. Darbysh . , 618 Isoglossa flava Lindau , 625 Isoglossa floribunda C.B. ...
Isoglossa floribunda from
... Isoglossa in eastern Africa ; only the unusual leaf base and the imbricate calyx lobes are unique . 14. Isoglossa floribunda C.B. Clarke in F.T.A. 5 : 233 ( 1900 ) . —Darbyshire in Kew Bull . 64 : 424 , fig.7 ( 2009 ) ; in F.T.E.A. ...
Isoglossa floribunda from
... Isoglossa floribunda C.B.Cl. grandiflora C.B.Cl. membranacea C.B.Cl. milanjiensis S. Moore strigulosa C.B.CI. Justicia anselliana T. Anders . betonica L. .. betonicoides C.B.Cl. crassiradix C.B.CI. elegantula S. Moore filifolia Lindau ...
Isoglossa floribunda from
... Isoglossa floribunda C.B.C1 . Ruspolia seticalyx ( C.B.C1 ) Milne - Redh . Amaranthaceae Achyranthes aspera L. Alternanthera sessilis ( L. ) DC . Celosia trigyna L. Gomphrena celosioides Mart . Pupalia lappacea ( L. ) Juss ...
Isoglossa floribunda from
... Isoglossa delicatula, I. hypoestiflora, I. woodii, Justicia campylostemon, Pentarrhinum insipidum, Strychnos mitis, S. usambarensis, Tragiella natalensis, Tricalysia lanceolata, Turraea floribunda, Capparis tomentosa Constant species ...
Isoglossa floribunda from
... ISOGLOSSA Oerst . I. floribunda C. B. Cl . herb dry forest JUSTICIA L. J. glabra Roxb . herb J. matammensis Oliv . herb riverine thicket thicket J. striata ( Klotzsch ) Bullock herb riverine thicket J. sp . herb riverine thicket ...
Isoglossa floribunda from
... Isoglossa floribunda . The Lusaka Bush is very interesting to the entomologist but difficult to work . It is a local saying that it is better to walk three miles round a belt of it than half a mile through , and I agree . When I visited ...
Isoglossa floribunda from
... Isoglossa floribunda C.B.Cl. Pupalia atropurpurea Moq . Aerva leucura ( L. ) Moq . Commicarpus plumbagineus ( Cav . ) Standl . Gonatopus boivini ( Decne . ) Engl . Grasses . 3378 Panicum sp . ( f ) Hyphaene VEGETATION OF THE SABI ...
Isoglossa floribunda from
... Isoglossa floribunda was the dominant plant . During the heat of the day they climb up a grass stem or shrub to rest in the shade of the leaves , and may then be easily picked off . Although common enough on pebbly ground , they ...