Jamesbrittenia fodina from
... Jamesbrittenia fodina by HPLC - MS and HPLC - NMR . Phytochem Anal . 2005 ; 16 : 429-439 . 71. Nicholson JK , Lindon JC . Systems biology - metabonomics . Nature . 2008 ; 455 : 1054-1056 . 72. Grimes JH , O'Connell TM . he application ...
Jamesbrittenia fodina from
... Jamesbrittenia fodina by HPLC– MS and HPLC - NMR . Phytochemical Analysis , 16 ( 6 ) , 429–439 . Cogne , A. L. , Queiroz , E. F. , Wolfender , J. L. , Marston , A. , Mavi , S. , & Hostettmann , K. ( 2003 ) . On - line identification of ...
Jamesbrittenia fodina from
... Jamesbrittenia fodina (Wild) Hilliard, revealed the presence of the common cinnamic ester derivative 87 Higher Plants - Emerson F. Queiroz, Andrew Marston and Kurt. 5.4.1. On-line characterisation of unstable cinnamic ester derivatives ...
Jamesbrittenia fodina from
... Jamesbrittenia fodina (Wild) Hilliard, revealed the presence of the common cinnamic ester derivative 85 Compounds from Higher Plants - Emerson F. Queiroz, Andrew Marston. 5.4.1. On-line characterisation of unstable cinnamic ester ...
Jamesbrittenia fodina from
... Jamesbrittenia fodina by HPLCeMS and HPLC- NMR. Phytochem Anal 2005;16:429e39. [71] Nicholson JK, Lindon JC. Systems biologydmetabonomics. Nature 2008;455:1054e6. [72] Grimes JH, O'Connell TM. he application of micro-coil NMR probe ...
Jamesbrittenia fodina from
... Jamesbrittenia fodina 5.4.2. Study of epimerisation reactions 5.5. On-line absolute configuration determination 6. Isolation of active principles and their structure determination 7. Conclusion M. B. Thomas , Department of Botany ...
Jamesbrittenia fodina from
... Jamesbrittenia fodina (Scrophulariaceae). Although MS and UV spectra were identical (see Figure 5.20), characteristic differences (highlighted by arrows) in the stop-flow LC-1H NMR spectra proved a transacylation of the rhamnose moiety ...
Jamesbrittenia fodina from
... Jamesbrittenia fodina ( Wild ) Hilliard in Edinb . J. Bot . 49 : 229 ( 1992 ) . Type : Zimbabwe , Sipolilo [ Guruve ] distr . , Great Dyke , Mpingi Pass , 4500ft , 17 v 1962 , Wild 5775 ( holo . SRGH ; iso . K , M ) . Syn .: Sutera fodina ...
Jamesbrittenia fodina from
... Jamesbrittenia fodina and Jamesbrittenia elegantissima (Scrophulariaceae). PhD thesis, Université de Lausanne, Institut de Pharmacognosie et Phytochimie, Lausanne, Switzerland. 208 pp. Coile, N.C. & Shilling, D.G., 1993. Cogongrass ...
Jamesbrittenia fodina from
... Jamesbrittenia fodina by HPLC-MS and HPLC-NMR. Phytochemical Analysis 2005;16:429-439. [78] Zschocke S, Klaiber I, Bauer R, Vogler B. HPLC-coupled spectroscopic techniques (UV, MS, NMR) for the structure elucidation of phthalides in ...