Justicia exigua from
... Justicia caerulea Forssk . 446 Jasminum bukobense Gilg 313 Justicia calcarata Hochst . ex C.B. Clarke , non Jasminum bussei Gilg & Schellenb . 314 Wall . 447 Jasminum dichotomum Vahl 313 Justicia exigua S. Moore 446 Jasminum ellipticum ...
Justicia exigua from
... Justicia exigua , E. cilianensis , Tetrapogon tenellus and A. adscensionis dominate most of the overgrazed areas ( Muchoki , 1982 ) . 19 . Nakuru Eco - unit This eco - unit covers the Nakuru , Naivasha and Elementaita area where most of ...
Justicia exigua from
... Justicia exigua, 111 Justicia zeylanica, 111 Ligusticum canadense, 116 Ligusticum canbyi, 116 Lindera fragrans, 116, 169 Lindera sp., 116 Linum lewisii, 116 Liparis vexillifera, 116 Lippia alba, 116 Lippia asperifolia, 116 Khaya sp ...
Justicia exigua from
... Justicia exigua , 71 Khaya spp . , 85 , 91 Kigelia africana , 85 , 91 Kotschya africana , 138 Kotschya recurvifolia , 138 Lablab purpureus , 46 , 47 , 69 , 102 , 114 Lactuca sativa , 44 , 110 Lagenaria siceraria , 33 , 44 , 102 , 108 ...
Justicia exigua from
... of tenure committees who lack the patience. Species Melhania ovata Medicago laciniata Chloris pycnothrix Cyperus rotundus Kyllinga nervosa Justicia exigua Cynodon dactylon Digitaria scalarum 21.7 Microchloa kunthii Notes :
Justicia exigua from
... Justicia exigua among the forbs. Species such as G. javanica and S. sphacelata (Schumach.) Stapf & C. E. Hubbard ex M. B. Moss had declined considerably, replaced by two vigorous shrubs, Acalypha bipartita and Achyranthes aspera Linn ...
Justicia exigua from
... justicia exagerada y a la vez exigua Una tercera observación sobre el diseño y aplicación de la justicia transicional en Colombia arroja como resultado la construcción e implantación de un modelo de justicia exagerado en cuanto a la ...
Justicia exigua from
... Justicia exigua, Justicia Uncinulata Acanthaceae Leguminosae-Papil. kamaran kapengayan Not specified – kapul Not specified – katang Commiphora africana, Commiphora madagascariensis Burseraceae kericheyan Not specified – kipaupau E ...
Justicia exigua from
... Justicia exigua , Justicia matammensis , Panicum coloratum , Panicum maximum , Senna occidentalis , Sesbania sesban , Setaria sphacelate , Setaria verticillate , Sida acuta , Solanum incanum , Sporobolus festivus , Sporobolus ...
Justicia exigua from
... Justicia exigua S. Moore; Justicia matammensis Oliv.; Justicia matammensis (Schweinf.) Oliv.) Tanzania. Herb, corolla white with pink dots See Journal of the Linnean Society, Botany 7: 44. 1883, Revisio Generum Plantarum 2: 980. 1891 ...