... Loudetia flavida , L.simplex , Andropogon spp . , Danthoniopsis interme- dia , etc. However , Aristida spp . are more common than on copper . 6. Nickel in Rhodesia ( Zimbabwe ) occurs most commonly on serpentine or serpentine - related ...
Marinus J.A. Werger, A.C. van Bruggen. i.e. , Loudetia flavida , L. simplex , Andropogon spp . , Danthoniopsis intermedia , etc. Aristida spp . are more common than on copper . 6. Nickel in Rhodesia occurs most commonly in serpentine or ...
... Loudetia flavida the dominant grass ( Coetzee et al . , 1976 ) . Transect 6 , 200 m long , sampled a denser , more mesic phase of Burkea woodland near the marsh , or vlei , for which Nylsvley is named . The terrain is flat , the soil ...
... Loudetia flavida , L. simplex , Melinis repens , Themeda triandra ) and sedges ( Cyperus amauropus , C. angolensis , C. holostigma , C. rupestris , Kyllinga alba , K. merxmuelleri ) . Fabaceae of the genera Indigofera ( I. astragalina ...