Loudetia flavida from
... Loudetia flavida ( Stapf ) C.E.Hubb . 4524 ( K ) G C CCC Loudetia phragmitoides ( Peter ) C.E.Hubb . 4969 ( K ) G + Loudetia simplex ( Nees ) C.E.Hubb . G C C Verboom 902 ( Κ ) , 4463 Melinis longiseta ( A.Rich . ) Zizka 5618 ( K ) ...
Loudetia flavida from
... LOUDETIA FLAVIDA ( Stapf ) Hubb . Poaceae . No. 1591. Between Hamanskraal and Rust de Winter . Jan. 9 . 208138. PANICUM DEUSTUM Thunb . Poaceae . No. 1679. Sixteen miles southeast of Pretorius Kop , Kruger National Park . Jan. 16 ...
Loudetia flavida from
... Loudetia flavida , L.simplex , Andropogon gayanus , and Themeda triandra , show promise for vegetating mine dumps derived from ultramific material . 6.3.4 Dumps with high pH Dumps with high pH are not normally as serious a problem as ...
Loudetia flavida from
... Loudetia flavida 229 phragmitoides 229 togoensis 236 Loudetion togoensis 236 Louvelia 434 , 435 , 437 , 438 Loxodera ledermannii 236 Loxoderetum ledermannii 236 Loxodonta africana 338 733 , 737 , 739 , 740 Maesopsis eminii 711 ...
Loudetia flavida from
... Loudetia flavida ( Stapf ) C.E. Hubb . FTA 10 : 34 ( 1937 ) ; FWTA 3,2 : 417 ( 1972 ) ; FTEA , Gramin . 2 : 416 ( 1974 ) ; FE 7 : 286 ( 1995 ) . Syn .: Loudetia pennata ( Chiov . ) C.E. Hubb . Didinga Mountains : foot of Didinga ...
Loudetia flavida from
... Loudetia flavida , Aristida diffusa , Trichoneura grandiglumis and Eragrostis nindensis . Other species that are typical of Moist Cool - temperate Grassland in- clude Diheteropogon amplectens , Urelytrum squarrosum , and Schizachyrium ...
Loudetia flavida from
... Loudetia filifolia Schweick . Slender , wiry perennial ; tuft- ed ; to 600 mm tall . Leaf blades to 100 mm long ; filiform or to 2 mm wide . Spikelets 6-8 mm long . Culms thin , branched . after ... Loudetia flavida C Smith C Smith. 206.
Loudetia flavida from
... Loudetia flavida Melinis repens Panicum maximum Pennisetum mezianum Setaria verticillata Sporobolus discosporus Sporobolus pellucidus Xerophyta humilis L 3 2 0 I 0 2 0 I 59 48 15 23 3 4 0 I 15 20 7 DON4O0205 0 8 0 0 2 40 2 3 7 5 1 3 ...
Loudetia flavida from
... Loudetia flavida , Schizachyrium sanguineum , 4.2.3 The Diplorhynchus condylocarpon- Eragrostis superba , Enneapogon cenchroides Combretum zeyheri - Ochna inermis variant This variant is situated on the steep south- eastern slopes of ...