Hysteranthous geophyte, with a fleshy tuberous root to ± 5 cm. in diameter producing 1–4 subterranean stems 2–4 cm. long; annual stems 2–6 cm.
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Monadenium orobanchoides var. calycinum P.R.O.Bally Gen. Monaden. 38 1961. Family: EUPHORBIACEAE. Accepted Scientific Name: Euphorbia orobanchoides var.
It is found in Angola, Malawi, southern Tanzania and Zambia, growing in a well drained soil with some water and some to lots of sun. The caudex can grow to five ...
Flora. Entry for Monadenium orobanchoides P.R.O. Bally [family EUPHORBIACEAE]. Herbarium. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (K).
Monadenium orobanchoides P.R.O.Bally. First published in Candollea 17: 30 (1959). This name is a synonym of Euphorbia orobanchoides.
It is an elegant caudiciform exemplar of the African continent, consisting of a woody and strongly swollen base that does not exceed about 5 cm in diameter ...
Monadenium orobanchoides P.R.O. Bally. We have few details about this taxon; if you can provide any information, photos or reliable records, please contact ...
Monadenium orobanchoides - LLIFLE
www.llifle.com › Encyclopedia › SUCCULENTS › Family › Euphorbiaceae
Euphorbia orobanchoides (P.R.O.Bally) Bruyns · Monadenium chevalieri var. spathulatum P.R.O.Bally. Accepted name in llifle Database: Euphorbia orobanchoides var ...
Monadenium aff. orobanchoides -Ruvuma Prov, Tanzania-. Flowerpot size 6×6 cm. Size 2 cm. The plant will be sent bare roots within 5-7 working days.
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Monadenium orobanchoides, W Mpanda, Tanzania. You will receive the same or similar plant as shown in the photos. Size 2 × 2 cm, height 1,5 cm.