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Manual of the Grasses of the United States, Volume Two
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... monostachya Michx . , Fl . Bor . Amer . 1:59 . 1803. South Carolina , Michaux . Campulosus gracilior Desv . , Nouv . Bul . Soc . Philom . ( Paris ) 2 : 189. 1810 . Based on Chloris monostachya Michx . Campulosus monostachyus Beauv ...
Manual of the Grasses of the United States
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... monostachya Michx . , Fl . Bor . Amer . 1 : 59. 1803. South Carolina , Michaux . Campulosus gracilior Desv . , Nouv . Bul . Soc . Philom . ( Paris ) 2 : 189. 1810 . Based on Chloris monostachya Michx . Campulosus monostachyus Beauv ...
Manual of the Grasses of the United States
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... monostachya Michx . , Fl . Bor . Amer . 1:59 . 1803. South Carolina , Michaux . Campulosus gracilior Desv . , Nouv . Bul . Soc . Philom . ( Paris ) 2 : 189. 1810 . Based on Chloris monostachya Michx . Campulosus monostachyus Beauv ...
Code of Federal Regulations: 2000-
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... monostachya - a Oahu 22 - Lobelia monostachya b 20 - Lobelia koolauensis - a . ssp . Lobelia gaudichaudii koolauensis . Lobelia monostachya . Oahu 33 - Lobelia monostachya c Oahu 35 - Lobelia monostachya - d Oahu 4 - Lobelia niihauensis ...
The Code of Federal Regulations of the United States of America
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... monostachya - a Oahu 22 - Lobelia monostachya - b Oahu 33 - Lobelia monostachya - c Lobelia monostachya . Lobelia monostachya . Lobelia monostachya . Lobelia monostachya . Oahu 35 - Lobelia monostachya - d Oahu 4 - Lobelia ...
North American Flora
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... monostachya Michx . ) Campulosus monostachyus Beauv . Agrost . 64 , 157 , 158. 1812. ( Based on Chloris monostachya Michx . ) Ctenium carolinianum Panzer , Denks . Akad . Münch . 1813 : Math . Phys . 311. 1813. ( Type from South ...
Curtis's Botanical Magazine
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... monostachya ; caudice gracili erecto , foliis gracile petiolatis ĉqualiter pinnati - partitis , segmentis 4-6 ... monostachya , F. Muell . Fragment . vol . vii . p . 103 . LINOSPADIX monostachyos , Wendl . et Drude in Linnĉa , vol ...
Bulletin: Second series
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... monostachya . Syn . , E. monostachya , L. Planted , 1896. Half hardy . E. monostachya , Stapf . monostachya . ERICA HEATH . 811.-E. carnea , L. Europe . Syn . , E. herbacea , L. Planted , 1897. Half hardy . E. herbacea , L. E. carnea ...
Code of Federal Regulations, Title 50, Wildlife and ...
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... monostachya - a Oahu 22 - Lobelia monostachya - b Oahu 33 - Lobelia monostachya c Oahu 35 - Lobelia monostachya - d Oahu 4 - Lobelia nihauensis - a Oahu 17 - Lobelia nihauensis - b Oahu 20 - Lobelia cahuensis - a Oahu 35 - Lobelia ...
Annals of Botany ...
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... monostachya : transfusion tracheides in internode . Fig . 10. E. monostachya : transverse section of secondary wood . Fig . 11. E. trifurca , root : radial section , showing Abietinean pitting and bars of Sanio . × 667 . Fig . 12. E ...