... Mostuea comprises 7 species in Africa and Madagascar and 1 in northern South America. Ecology Mostuea brunonis occurs in gallery or rainforest, also in secondary forest, from sea-level up to 1100 m altitude. Genetic resources and ...
... Mostuea; intervascular pits small, ves- tured (Mostuea) or not vestured (Gelsemium). Fibers with small bordered pits, nonseptate (Gelsemium) or some septate ones present (Mostuea). Rays heterogeneous (Mostuea) or homogeneous ...
... Mostuea buchholzii Engl . ( Logani- aceae ) . Two bases closely resembling , and in all probability identical with , gelsemine and sempervirine have also been extracted from the roots of Gabonese Mostuea stimulans A. Chev . , which ...
... Mostuea and Gelsemium appears to continue its analogy also in the active substances . The north Ameri- can poison plant Gelsemium sempervirens Aiton , used therapeutically , contains gelsemine , gelsemicine and sempervirine as main ...
... Mostuea, no specific reports of seed dispersal have been made but most species are presumably wind-dispersed. PHYTOCHEMISTRY . Both Gelsemium and Mostuea contain indole alkaloids of the C-17-type (e.g., gelsemine and sempervirine) ...