... Mostuea comprises 7 species in Africa and Madagascar and 1 in northern South America. Ecology Mostuea brunonis occurs in gallery or rainforest, also in secondary forest, from sea-level up to 1100 m altitude. Genetic resources and ...
... Mostuea; intervascular pits small, ves- tured (Mostuea) or not vestured (Gelsemium). Fibers with small bordered pits, nonseptate (Gelsemium) or some septate ones present (Mostuea). Rays heterogeneous (Mostuea) or homogeneous ...
... Mostuea and Gelsemium appears to continue its analogy also in the active substances . The north Ameri- can poison plant Gelsemium sempervirens Aiton , used therapeutically , contains gelsemine , gelsemicine and sempervirine as main ...
... Mostuea, no specific reports of seed dispersal have been made but most species are presumably wind-dispersed. PHYTOCHEMISTRY. Both Gelsemium and Mostuea contain indole alkaloids of the C-17-type (e.g., gelsemine and sempervirine), which ...