Ozoroa obovata; Heeria obovata; Anaphrenium unrecorded; Rhus insignis. Flora. Entry for Ozoroa obovata Oliv. R. & A. Fernandes [family ANACARDIACEAE]. Herbarium.
Ozoroa obovata (Oliv.) R. & A. Fernandes ... Ozoroa obovata is a species of tree in the family Anacardiaceae. They are native to Afrotropics. They have drupes.
Ozoroa obovata (Oliv.) R. Fern. & A. Fern. var. elliptica R. Fern. & A. Fern. Image: Ozoroa obovata var. elliptica. Image details: ...
Ozoroa obovata, along track from Canda to Nhancuco, Lower slopes of Mount Gorongosa, Mozambique. [photo Bart Wursten ©, Flora of Mozambique].
Aparece em 35 Ocorrência conjuntos de dados · Tree Species Occurrence in Miombo Woodland of Tanzania. · Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew - Herbarium Specimens.
Sep 4, 2021 · Preferred Scientific Name: Ozoroa obovata (Oliv.) R.Fern. & A.Fern. List of Pests. Host of (source-data mining).
Ozoroa obovata (Oliv.) R. Fern. & A. Fern. Family: Anacardiaceae. [Anaphrenium abyssinicum var. obovata Oliv., moreHeeria mucronata Bernh.].
Ozoroa is a genus of plants in the family Anacardiaceae. Ozoroa. O. paniculosa in South Africa. Scientific classification · Edit this classification.
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Ozoroa obovata. (Coast Resintree) It is a shrub which can also grow into a small tree about 6 to 8 m in height; it is deciduous to evergreen and has a flat ...
Ozoroa obovata var. elliptica R. Fern. & A. Fern. Family: Anacardiaceae. Ozoroa obovata var. elliptica image. Bart Wursten. Resources. Internal Resources.